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Actor: “Hajibaba Bagirov is a sharp-eyed man, and I was the cunning brother of the girl he loved.”

“I responded to the people who hindered my success.”

This was stated by Aslan Fatullayev, a distinguished cultural worker and actor of the Azerbaijan State Puppet Theatre, during an interview with

We present this interview:

– Mr. Aslan, first I would like you to tell me about yourself.

– I was born on October 20, 1956 in the village of Chayrud in the Lerik district. I first went on stage when I was 7 years old. In the village cultural center I played the role of a denier in the comedy “Nasreddin” and since then I have been associated with the stage.

After finishing school, I entered first the cultural and educational faculty of the Baku Library and Technical College, and then the cultural and educational faculty of the Azerbaijan State Institute of Arts. That day I went to rehearsals non-stop and played several roles. I am the first actor in the history of Azerbaijani theatre who has not yet turned 19 to receive the Golden Fund for his character. At that time, I was a regular participant in such popular TV shows as “Morning Meetings”, “Night Channel”, “Journeys to the World of Comedy”, “45 Minutes”. That’s why I quickly became popular.

– Did they invite you to the cinema?

– Yes. Photojournalist in the film “Boy and Deer” by “Mosfilm”, a little genius in the film “Demon in the Microdistrict” produced by “Azerbaijanfilm”, friend of the hatter in “Hat”, Ivan Spirodonovich in “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you”, dungeon in “The day of the murder”, I had roles in the film magazine “Mozalan”. The Sumgayit line also crossed my destiny of working in Baku.

In 1979 I started working as an artistic director at the “Youth” club in Sumgait, and in 1984 I was appointed director of the “Dostlug” cultural house. I headed this cultural house for exactly 38 years.

The song and dance ensemble of our House of Culture, the circus art collective returned with prizes from tours in Norilsk, Arkhangelsk, Rustavi, Romania, Germany, Turkey, Cyprus and Czechoslovakia. We were constantly in competition with other cultural houses. In addition to local competitions, we won foreign competitions. 3 times we won the general union competition and 2 times the international competition, we won the title of the best collective in Europe. There was not a single state event to which I and my team were not invited.

– Why did you leave this team?

– I reached retirement age and said enough is enough. It is true that I was offered to stay, but I left. We meet from time to time and our relationship continues.

– As far as I know, you have also created a rock band. Is that true?

– For the first time in the history of the republic, we created a rock group called “Dream”, which played in Azerbaijani. This group won the “Golden Autumn-89” held in Baku in 1989. The song “On the shore of the Caspian” has not been forgotten even now. In 1990, the rock group “Yukhu” won the international festival “MAYEN – ROK-90” held in Germany and received the title of the strongest rock group in Europe.

– You worked in the theatre parallel to the cultural centre, right?

– Yes. Since 2003 I have been working as an actor at the Azerbaijan National Academic Theatre.

I played the role of Gulu in Anajan, the role of a police general in Takhribatchilar, the role of a playwright in I Am Your Uncle, the role of Pahlavan Zarlinski in The Rich Woman, and the role of HZTagiyev’s servant in Mesenat.

At the same time, I regularly appeared in Azerbaijani TV shows such as “Ordan – burdan”, “Funny Stories” and “Bir bazarguni”.

– During these years, has there been no one who put a stone in your path, who did not hurt you because of your bill?

– I responded to people who hindered my success. It’s a good thing someone is jealous of you. I once left the theatre upset.

I left the country. I lived abroad for 5-6 years. Russia, Cyprus, Türkiye…

– What were you doing there?

– I organized shows. I created a small team. I’m also a good dancer. We earned good money.

– Why did you come back?

– According to my mother. She couldn’t bear me to be there. They called that your mother is ill. They lied. I came. The deceased said at that moment, don’t go, I didn’t go. What had been left there. Later, he said, I wish I could let you go. He regretted it. But it was too late.

– I can’t help but talk to you and ask you a question that will be of interest to everyone. Has there ever been a short person in your family?

– I had a sister. He passed away. We had a problem with our pituitary gland when we were kids. Actually, there was a cure for it. My parents treated me. I just refused because I felt bad after the injections, so I didn’t do it. I saw that it was of no use.

– When did this happen?

– When I was in first grade.

– It seems that you have been very stubborn since you were little.

– I say the word once. Let’s say the brothers and sisters have gathered and we say we’ll meet at one o’clock and go to such and such a place. I never keep anyone waiting. I arrive 15 minutes early. But when they arrive 5 minutes late, I leave without waiting for them.

– Was height a problem when you got married?

– No. My wife is of normal size. Before we got married, we sat down and talked. Her parents also saw that I would make money and support my family. I have this ability. They didn’t put up any problem. Now I have a daughter and a granddaughter.

– Are you angry?

– Let me tell you something. Years ago a Hollywood director came to Baku. He wanted to cast me in his film. In addition to me, several local actors were to appear in this film as well. I had long hair for my role in the film. There was a meeting at the film studio. The Hollywood director said that I want to film Aslan. I am also interested in your thoughts. At that time, one of our people, who worked as an assistant director – I won’t say his name, he passed away young – said that Aslan had not acted for a long time, perhaps he had lost his acting skills. This word hit me very hard. I was so heartbroken. I slammed the door and left. I went and cut my hair. I even went and bought myself gold teeth so that I would not be invited to the cinema again. After all, an actor should not have gold teeth. For a long time I hated theatre and cinema. In the end, the late Hajibaba Bagirov, Yashar Nuri and Sayavush Aslan came, they loved me very much and said: “What’s the point of resenting the theatre stage? Come back.”

– Did you have good friends?

– No. Friendship is another superstition. Many people misunderstand it. I had a friend who made a false move against me. It remains “Hello-thank you”. But I was not the previous Lion against him.

– You have held a leadership position in a large team for 38 years. What kind of leader were you? How did you punish employees when they got angry?

– Punishment? (thinks) I didn’t let anyone who wanted to leave him do it. I said to let him understand the responsibility. You have to be serious at work. After work, he was a simple person like everyone else.

– Have you ever attended a wedding as a best man?

– No. There’s not enough talkers at the wedding party. I can’t stand it either. I went to my friend’s wedding only once. The groom’s uncle had been drinking at that party, he talked a bit rudely, I put down the microphone to leave, the hosts wouldn’t let him in, they told me not to pay attention to the drunk.

– How did you fight?

– No.

– Has your height hindered or helped you in your art? In any case, you stood out for your height. And in the history of world cinema, there have been many actors who successfully took advantage of the difference in their physical appearance and became stars.

– I’m not worried about my height at all. It’s the main character, skill, skill. When I go out, 8 out of 10 people greet me and greet me with respect. I set a goal, I said I would do it, I did it.

– Do you think you have been able to reveal your potential?

– There are some realities that need to be reconciled with. Not every actor is Hamlet or Romeo. But a good actor can add colour to the smallest role and make it very interesting. He is the main director. If the director is good, if he chooses the right actors, he will do well. Why are there no Oscar-winning films in our country? So be it. We need good directors. You see an actor in a role, he is always attracted to roles of the same nature. There are so many actors who are captivated by their roles. Why do directors in Hollywood and Russia see me and use me and you don’t? If you have a good script, a good director, I will play that film to the level of receiving an Oscar. Even though it may seem easy, acting is the most difficult profession in the world.

– There were probably some interesting moments during the filming of plays and movies.

– It’s been a long time. In “The Adventures of Songulu” Hajibaba Bagirov played the role of a big-eyed man, and I played the cunning brother of the girl he loved. Rehearsals are over, filming is about to begin. I really liked the role. I wanted it to be taken for granted. I added interesting touches to my roles. The shooting was on the boulevard. Several little boys walked past us with “airfield” caps and rosaries in their hands. They said, teacher, what help is needed. I said give me the rosary with the cap. they gave I didn’t tell Hajibaba. The shooting has begun, the girl’s older brother must come, Hajibaba seems to be afraid. I slowly climb the stairs, first the older brother’s cap appears, and then I look under it. Believe me, she laughed so deeply that until the end of filming she was laughing while looking at me and the work stopped. Although Hajibaba laughed, she was actually a very strict and serious person. In the TV show “Receipt of Paradise” I played the role of the zabani standing at the gate. He should have had a spear in his hand. They said let’s give him a spear according to his height. I said no, make the spear 4-5 times longer than me. They did it. It looked very interesting.

In the film “The Day of the Assassination” we were on opposite sides to Mammad Ali, the father of Gorkhmaz Alili. He told the director of the film that he wished he had met Aslan a long time ago. “Use him. This actor will win you an Oscar.” Again, it all depends on the directors.

– Puppet theatre is a specific type of theatre. Was it difficult for you there?

– Since 2008 I have been working at the Azerbaijan State Puppet Theatre named after Abdulla Shaik. I love children, I love the team, I love my job. If you love a job, it doesn’t seem difficult to you.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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