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HomeBreaking NewsADIF leaders protest against Koldo land contracts

ADIF leaders protest against Koldo land contracts

The audit carried out by the Ministry of Transport concerning the purchase of masks by the department in the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic reveals that These public contracts were tainted by irregularities. Everything so that Soluciones de Gestión, a company linked to the plot starring Koldo García, then advisor to José Luis Ábalos, said the contracts were concluded illegally.

Among the public companies that have concluded contracts for the supply of masks is: Adifwhich launched a call for tenders for the supply of five million masks with Management Solutions by 12.5 million eurosat a price of 2.5 euros per unit.

It is about a call for tenders opposed by the leaders of the railway operator“Not all departments of the Adif considered this choice appropriate,” states the audit report of the ministry currently headed by Óscar Puente.

The authors of the audit interview Manuel Fresno, general director of finance and management control of Adif. He admits his concerns about the management solutions.I saw that there was a frame that made my hair stand on end. I saw the Angola contract, I didn’t like it at all, it was a chicha and turnip company“.

Indeed, Fresno, in an email sent at the end of March, expressed its reservations to the management of Adif.I feel uncomfortable working with a company that is in default.“, referring to the fact that Soluciones de Gestión was unable to deliver masks under its contract with State Ports.

The truth is that before closing the award, the Adif evaluated four offers, which came from the Secretary General of the State Ports, Alvaro Sanchez (already dismissed by Óscar Puente). That is, Management Solutions and three others, and the price of the company linked to the Koldo land was the highest.

The other three were those of Benzanilla and Renedo Abogados (1.35 euros per mask), Shouguan Group (2.02 euros) and Injoo Technologies (2.1 euros). Of these three, it only presented a direct offer to Adif Injoo (in addition to Management Solutions).

Why didn’t companies that offered products at a cheaper price do so? Michaux MirandaAdif’s human resources director, who was recently fired for his involvement in illegally awarding contracts, claims he contacted them by phone and was told he could not guarantee supplies.

Instead, both companies assure “having received no call or contact from Adif“.

The Director General of People Management at ADIF, Michaux Miranda, in the commission of inquiry into the “Koldo case”.

Gustavo Valiente / Europa Press

So, the career was between Management Solutions and Injoo, which not only offered a lower price, but It was also recommended by the Ministry of the InteriorIn short, the second offer was “better valued and more economically advantageous.”

During the discussions that took place on those days within the management of Adif, the possibility of dividing the order of masks into two batches was considered, and order the biggest one at Injoosince their offer was cheaper. All participants in the discussions agreed that it was better to diversify suppliers to avoid supply problems.

But in the end, the five million masks were allocated to Management Solutions. The decision was made in a meeting in which there was no kind of “debate,” according to Manuel Fresno, but this decision was transferred by Michaux Miranda.

A determination that was justified solely by the fact that Management Solutions “guaranteed the supply better.” Fresno believes, in any case, that The final decision was adopted “from the ministry, from the minister’s office.”

Curiously, and in parallel with the processing of this call for tenders for the company linked to the Koldo land, Adif contracted, also through emergency processing, one million masks with Injoo Technology, “which it had previously dismissed, supposedly because it could not guarantee supply“.




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