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HomeLatest NewsAEMET issues storm warning in Catalonia and wave warning in the Balearic...

AEMET issues storm warning in Catalonia and wave warning in the Balearic Islands

The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) predicts that this Monday there will be a tendency to stabilize in the peninsula, where a predominance of slightly cloudy skies or with intervals of high clouds will be recorded. In the extreme north there will be morning cloudy passages and in the Mediterranean areas there will be low cloudiness, with probable light rain in the areas of the Valencian Community, Estrecho and Alborán. In the afternoon, cloudiness will increase in the center, east and southeast of the peninsula, as well as in the northeast of Catalonia and north of Huesca.

In Catalonia, the Agency has issued a rain warning, with accumulated precipitation in one hour of 20 millimetres, which could affect the areas adjacent to the central depression of Barcelona and the pre-coastal area of ​​Girona. In Mallorca and Menorca, the warning issued by AEMET concerns wind and coastal phenomena, which can cause waves of two metres and gusts of up to 50 kilometres per hour.

In addition, the Balearic Islands will experience cloudy periods at the beginning that will tend to be slightly cloudy, without completely ruling out some showers in the early morning in Pitiusas. At the same time, there will be low cloudiness in the north of the most important islands of the Canary Islands, while in the rest of the archipelago there will be slightly cloudy skies, with a tendency towards an increase in medium and high cloudiness and without ruling out some light showers even accompanied by thunderstorms, in Tenerife. Likewise, probable banks of morning fog will be recorded in the interior areas of the northern and eastern thirds of the peninsula and mist is not ruled out in the south of the peninsula, in Melilla and the Canary Islands.

Regarding temperatures, the state agency warns that maximum temperatures will recover in the northern half and inland of the eastern peninsula and will decrease in the southern third, the Balearic Islands and the northeast of Catalonia. By area, it is expected to exceed 35ºC only in the areas of the southwest quadrant and in the Canary Islands, the increase in maximum temperatures will predominate, more pronounced in the Midlands. In general, minimum temperatures will decrease, although increases will be recorded in Galicia, Cádiz and the western part of the center of the peninsula. Specifically, the provincial capitals that will record the highest values ​​will be Badajoz with 39ºC; Córdoba and Seville with 37ºC; and Cáceres, Ciudad Real, Granada, Jaén and Toledo with 36ºC.

Finally, there will be a wind that will blow over the Ampurdán and the Balearic Islands, with some strong intervals at the beginning, and a gale over the Ebro, although both will tend to diminish. In the rest of the Mediterranean areas, the Cantabrian Sea and the northwest quadrant of the peninsula, there will be winds from the east and northeast, with some strong intervals on the Atlantic coasts of Galicia, and light variable winds in the rest. In the Canary Islands, the trade winds will be moderate with some strong intervals.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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