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HomeLatest NewsAfter five years, relief and hope in the “Perelló consensus”

After five years, relief and hope in the “Perelló consensus”

The balconies of the Sala de Pas Perdus of the Supreme Court, where the cocktail after the solemn opening ceremony of the Judicial Year was held yesterday, were wide open. The air flowed, a metaphor for the fresh and happy atmosphere that was being breathed after five years of blackout and anguish. These have been “difficult times”, as the new president said, so the relief of the last-minute agreement for the appointment of Isabel Perelló was translated into smiles and a good atmosphere, for those arriving and those leaving, because everyone was suffering from this political blockade. Perelló, nobody’s candidate, everyone’s candidate, did not disappoint. It is true that he has no charisma, and he speaks shyly, but he liked it, and he who gives first gives twice. First because he defended judicial independence; secondly, because he urged the members of the CGPJ to rigorously elect the new magistrates; thirdly, because he knew how to approach the whole race, and last but not least, because it was brief. Five pages with five clear ideas, without big Latin words or grandiloquent metaphors typical of the great robes. “Sometimes we jurists are very rococo,” joked a judge. But yesterday, not all the judges were in the Supreme Court, there were also many prosecutors, and among them the unanimity went where it came from. “But what did you think?” asked a prosecutor after listening to the “propagandist” speech of the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz. “But it seems that the government wrote it!” said another, outraged by his attack on the popular accusations when it is one of them that is investigating the wife of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who was not there yesterday. Related news standard Yes Attorney General warns of the “danger” of popular accusations Nati Villanueva Without mentioning the Begoña case, the head of the Public Ministry warned against “private, political, religious, corporate, economic, media or even simply procedural matters” Yes, the Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, was present, who said he was satisfied with the agreement because under his command justice was unblocked; Vice President Yolanda Díaz, who, unlike the furious Pablo Iglesias – who continues to release bile from the outer walls of the system -, also showed satisfaction with the agreement because “we have worked a lot”, and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the PP, discreet, perhaps because at that time his party was presenting the appeal against the amnesty before the TC. As expected, there was much talk of the amnesty, because Cándido Conde-Pumpido was there, under whose presidency a decision will be made in six months on whether or not to admit the appeals for processing, as ABC announced. There was also Manuel Marchena, who avoided the problem with that classic bullfighter’s size, and Pablo Llarena, who admitted that Puigdemont’s toccata and escape had surprised him at work (and with the television off, of course). Today, Judge José María Macías takes office at the TC, which has served so many people that it was difficult for him to go out to eat. There he learned that he would be the rapporteur for the appeal of unconstitutionality presented yesterday. Finally, the judicial world is under tension and must get to work, because there is a considerable delay due to a blockade that is always too long and political interference that has contaminated everything. That is why among them there was hope that the “Perelló consensus” would be maintained for many years. Of course, a mischievous smile escaped in the conservative sector: the agreement was reached thanks to the division of the judicial left. And Perelló, of whom everyone speaks well, knows that his success will be to maintain this balance that already bears his name.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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