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HomeBreaking NewsAghadadash Aghayev's head is in a new scandal: this time the bank...

Aghadadash Aghayev’s head is in a new scandal: this time the bank sued him

People’s artist Aghadadash Agayev has faced a new scandal and a court decision has been issued against him.

According to Gü, the People’s Artist was sued this time for failing to pay his old debts to the Demir Bank.

Thus, although the Deposit Guarantee Fund demanded payment of the debt owed to the bank from Aghadash Agayev, who owes a debt to DemirBank OJSC, which was declared bankrupt, he refused to pay it. As a result, the Foundation filed a complaint against the People’s Artist in the Binagadi District Court.

The court ruled that Aghadash Agayev must return the loan he took from the bank many years ago but did not pay and the accrued interest.

This amount is reported to be close to 50,000 manats.

It is worth recalling that Agadadash Agayev came into the limelight with the famous axe incident some time ago.

A criminal case has been initiated regarding this incident and the investigation is ongoing.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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