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HomeLatest NewsAlberto Rosales, a reference in the Cordoba hotel industry for decades, has...

Alberto Rosales, a reference in the Cordoba hotel industry for decades, has died


He was president of Hostecor for six years and created the restaurants Costa Sol, Costa Sur, Faro, Bahía and the current Puerta Sevilla and La Viuda.

Alberto Rosales with his wife in one of the Grupo Rosales establishments ABC


Updated at 12:38 p.m.

Alberto Rosales Ortegaformer president of Hostecor for six years and of the Andalusian Hospitality Federation and founder of one of the most remarkable hotel sagas in Cordoba (today Grupo Rosales), He died this Monday at the age of 89.The funeral will take place this Tuesday, September 3 at 12:00 p.m. in the parish of Cristo Rey.

Although born in the town of Torre de Juan Abad (Ciudad Real), he traveled as a child to Córdoba where he developed his entire career, which began in the so-called Bar Rosales, his uncle’s, in front of the old Tejares bullring. He was with his uncle from 1949 to 1960. Then Bar Terraza followed.

It was in 1961 that he decided to open his first establishment while staying at the famous Bar Crismona in the southern sector, an emerging neighborhood where he began to sell seafood. In 1985 it became a restaurant and was renamed South Coast.

Alberto Rosales in a picture from his active youth in Cordoba


Then other companies would come along like Costa Sol Seafood Restaurant, El Faro (Sevilla Street) Bahia, until he decided to enter with his children (Alberto, Isabel and Paco, today at the head of the group) in Saint Basil open the restaurant in the 90s Seville Gate and the tavern La Viuda.

It was always a defender of Cordovan cuisine and the tourist possibilities of the city based on its gastronomic assets. A worker born in the world of hospitality that he represented in other sectors.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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