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Aldama assured that he and Koldo had received “500,000 euros of bills in a bag for the rescue” from Air Europa

Victor de Aldama He revealed to someone he trusted that he and Koldo García “received 500,000 euros in bills for the rescue of Air Europa” in the middle of the pandemic.

At least that’s how the commission agent explained it to his confidant with whom EL ESPAÑOL had the opportunity to speak.

According to the person Aldama trusts most, he told him that “He went to a house three times in the suburbs of Madrid with Koldo García Izaguirre”, where they received three different payments.

“In total, Aldama and Koldo received 500,000 euros in bills for saving the airline.” For each of the three deliveries, They used “duffle bags” carried in a car the advisor to José Luis Ábalos, then Minister of Transport, and the commission agent.

Aldama did not specify to his confidant whether Koldo García’s money was also intended for Ábalos, but affirms that the advisor was “the Siamese brother” of the minister and organizational secretary of the PSOE.

The deal, according to what the commission agent told the person EL ESPAÑOL spoke with, was for a much higher amount. However, at some point, payments were interrupted and “the game was broken.”

According to this person close to Aldama, everything happened when the details of the agreement with the government for the rescue of Air Europa began to be known. Help requested by the airline’s then CEO, Javier Hidalgobecause he considered that without this, there was no future for the company. An opinion which was not shared by the entire board of directors of the group.

As this newspaper reported, José Luis Ábalos pressured Nadia Calviño, María Jesús Montero and SEPI to obtain the rescue of Air Europa, according to the UCO investigation report.

In fact, it was Ábalos who, meeting with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the former Vice President and Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, closed the granting of a second ICO on July 16, 2020 .

This is how he made it known Aldama to his friend Javier HidalgoCEO of Air Europa, in a message sent the day before: “First thing tomorrow there is the 1st, she, that of the Treasury, and him and the decision was made that this will happen but tomorrow when I am with him , I will tell you.


“The 1” in Aldama’s terminology would be Pedro Sánchez; “La de Hacienda” is how he referred to Calviño and “he” was José Luis Ábalos.

In fact, after this meeting, Aldama and Hidalgo went to Transports to meet Ábalos. A few minutes earlier, Koldo had informed the commission agent via WhatsApp that the minister “is with Nadia” and that “he is in the process of arranging that”“. “It only works with pressure. “It’s a machine.”

However, it is clear that the second ICO never arrived and was replaced by aid from the Fund to Support the Solvency of Strategic Companies. A mechanism led by the State Company of Industrial Participations (SEPI).

The person to whom Aldama confessed to having received money through him revealed to EL ESPAÑOL that The commissioner also had a personal relationship with Pedro Sánchez outside of his own contacts with Ábalos.

This confidant further states that “The relationship with Javier Hidalgo goes back several years“In fact, he claims they worked together on numerous occasions. However, their relationship went beyond professional and had a personal aspect.

The person with whom this newspaper was able to speak assures that “Aldama solved many problems for Hidalgo Jr. Javier turned to him several times because of his contacts in the government.“, sentence.

Not only did he turn to him to negotiate the rescue of Air Europa, but he also hired him as an advisor. A position for which he had recognized remuneration of 10,000 euros per month.

Now this newspaper has learned that To this figure we must add an additional 2,500 euros in cash. An amount which was revealed by Aldama to the trusted person with whom EL ESPAÑOL was able to speak.

Furthermore, the commission agent was also hired by Air Europa to try to negotiate with the government of Venezuela in 2019. His mission? Recover the 176 million euros that Nicolas Maduro’s executive is withholding because foreign companies cannot repatriate the profits of their subsidiaries in the country.

For this work, the Hidalgos promised the commission agent that they would receive 5 million euros. However, the work was not completed. They never recovered and Aldama did not receive a single euro.




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