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HomeBreaking NewsAldama introduced them and created a bond between Sánchez and Maduro that...

Aldama introduced them and created a bond between Sánchez and Maduro that continues to this day.

It all started in October 2018When Victor de Aldama encounter Koldo Garciathe friend of Santos Cerdanwho contributed to the primaries of Pedro Sanchezand that he has already worked for the minister Jose Luis Abalos.

The thing was justified in December 2019when Aldama wrote a letter which served to present officially in Ábalos now Delcy Rodriguez.

But the matter became muddled a month later. In January 2020the plane of the Venezuelan vice president landed in Barajas (in secret, with many suitcases and a guard who talked about gold bars). And the press discovered everything.

Since then, the link has remained alive all these years. Because Spanish companies were the only ones to be “respected” in Venezuela. Because José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero played a mediating role in this area, to avoid expropriations, and politically, to promote negotiations.

But since information is power, once the Koldo affairwe now know that the regime Nicolas Maduro had the UCO reveal the whole story in its latest report to the judge.

Messages, letters and companies that threatened the stability of the government of Pedro Sanchezthey went from the mobile phone of the organizer of the plot to that of the Venezuelan vice-president and that of Koldo, from the latter to that of Ábalos, and from that of the minister to that of the Spanish president.

All this time, Caracas had a bomb that Madrid could not afford to explode. He played with an edge.

“The boss” and “the boss”

The UCO report number 211/2024 that, dated October 9entered the National Court, central court 2 with the registration number 2 520/24. The document, 233 pages It has two signatures from agents of the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard and four approvals from the Economic Crime Section (UAFAC).

The report develops on pages 68, 69, 74 and 75 only three examples of the 37 times the terms “boss” or “boss” appearreferring to how members of the alleged corrupt conspiracy referred to Ábalos and Delcy.

The story of the document caused the investigation into the first major corruption case of the Sánchez government to explode politically this Thursday. AND threatens the stability of an executive already weakened parliamentaryly and plagued by diplomatic crises, political scandals and legal investigations.

The messages and the letter

“And if you don’t talk to the one who’s the boss hahahahaha,” he wrote on December 27, 2019 Victor de Aldama in a text message to Delcy Rodriguezvia the Threema application.

“Message from the boss,” wrote the same leader of the conspiracy ten months later, on October 27, 2020, in another communication with the executive vice president of Venezuela.

In the first conversation, this Aldama who presided over the Zamora Football Club, unknown to the general public until February this year, closed the “visit of a foreign authority”. That is to say, the details of Delcy’s trip to Spain.

The one that went wrong, because The press discovered the visit of the highest Chavista authority sanctioned by the EUand tainted with suspicion, from the start, the government formed by the PSOE of Pedro Sanchez and the Unidas Podemos of Pablo Iglesias.

This coalition which had negotiated Jose Luis AbalosMinister of Development and Secretary of the Socialist Organization. The most powerful man in Spain after the president.

In the second message, Aldama himself tried to calm things down. number two of Nicolas Maduro.

A lady “of character”, according to Ábalos himself, friend of his brother, then Minister of Tourism, Jorge Rodriguez. A lady accused of “crimes against humanity” by the European Union and responsible for the repression of the democratic opposition in this Caribbean country.

Aldama, his commercial interlocutor in Spain, transmits a message from Ábalos, who is already his political interlocutor, while man Sánchez’s strength:

“Hello Delcy, message from the boss. The meeting with Leopoldo López with the president was [sic] To Ferraz as general secretary, not to Moncloa as president, it is important that you know and understand, kisses.

Spain had just granted asylum to the then leader of the Venezuelan opposition, thanks to the mediation of José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

The former socialist president of Spain, who began to deserve the rehabilitation of the PSOE – and the ear of Sánchez for his advice and mediation in difficult situations, from Caracas to Waterloo – does not appear in the newspapers of the UCO. But its character has always loomed over the Sánchez government’s relations with the Maduro regime, until now, with his “mediation” to obtain the departure of Edmundo Gonzálezthe current leader of the opposition in Spain.

Sánchez had recognized Juan Guaido a few months ago as “interim president” of Venezuela. But this step, which it was difficult for him to take afterwards a lot of pressure, even from the EUit already seemed wrong. And even if he were to receive the most famous tortured political prisoner of recent yearsrecently arrived in our country, wanted Maduro not to see this gesture as an affront.

“Good,” Sánchez responds.

Aldama baptized them thus, for her and for him, “the boss” and “the boss”. And he used his influences to gain commercial advantage by selling a diplomatic deal to the Spanish government, via Ábalos.

He had reached the surroundings of Delcy by Jorge Giménez, president of the Venezuelan Football Federationwho enjoys the great confidence of the vice president… and partner of Aldama in the sales of oil and diamonds, two of the main assets plundered by the Maduro regime in this Caribbean country.

Was December 10, 2019and only a month had passed since the second general election of that year. Sánchez, who still had his emissary Ábalos to negotiate the coalition with Iglesias, had not yet taken office when Aldama has prepared a standard letterfound by the UCO on his computer, to connect the boss and the boss.

Letterhead from Ábalos to Decy, prepared by Aldama.


In the letter written by Aldama, the organizing secretary of the PSOE, he invited Delcy “to our country” to talk about the “possibilities that Venezuela currently has to get out of sanctionsthe exchange of Spanish products, as well as collaboration by participating in organize democratic elections Venezuela […] Ending with help Spanish businesses who might be in the country now as well as those who might join in the future.

If this wording was not accurate, a very similar one was sent from Fomento headquarters in Madrid to the Vice-Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in Caracas. Because barely a month later, the January 16, 2020Ábalos has already closed Delcy’s journey, and chat with Koldo on WhatsApp confirm that you have authorization from the President of the Government.

Pantallazo del WhatsApp de Ábalos con Sánchez enviado por el ministro a Koldo.


“La vicepresidenta de Venezuela viene en privado el lunes y quiere verme discretamente como continuación del encuentro que tuve con el ministro de Comunicación (que es su hermano)”, explica el ministro al presidente, haciendo referencia a Jorge Rodríguez, en un pantallazo que envía a su asesor.

“La gestión que acordamos en favor de las empresas españolas”, añade Ábalos, denotando que Sánchez ya estaba sobre aviso de todo, “ha permitido que Duro Felguera haya cobrado una importante deuda”.

“Bien”, responde Pedro Sánchez

La UCO duda de que sea cierto lo de la deuda cobrada por la compañía española, pero el señuelo empresarial ya está colocado. Koldo, que ya tenía negocios con Aldama, contesta “Cuanto te quiero” a su jefe. Y éste responde, según el informe de la UCO: “Ya ves que no me ha dicho nada pero al menos no pone pegas”

Ya no es el ‘caso Koldo’

Hoy, Aldama ya está en la cárcel, enviado ahí en preventiva por el juez Santiago Pedraz -titular de otro juzgado de la Audiencia Nacional, el uno-, por su presunto fraude de 182 millones en el IVA de unos contratos de hidrocarburos.

Pero no ha hecho falta que el cabecilla de la trama cantara tras sentir el frío de la sombra y los barrotes. Han sido sus teléfonos y ordenadores los que, incautados hace meses en la investigación, han empezado a desentrañar para el juez y la prensa todas las ramificaciones de lo que empezó ‘sólo’ como un caso de comisiones ilegales por la compra de mascarillas en plena pandemia de la Covid.

Ahora, igual que él bautizó a Ábalos como “el jefe” y a Delcy como “la jefa”, habrá que cambiarle el nombre a la causa: esto ya no es el caso Koldo, porque es judicialmente el ‘caso Ábalos’, ya cerca de la imputación. Y periodísticamente, le queda poco para ser el ‘caso Sánchez’.

Poco o nada: porque si trazamos el hilo entre Madrid y Caracas que mezcla política, barras de oro, engaños al Congreso, petrodólares, disidentes exiliados, sanciones de la UE e intereses personales mezclados con los públicos, a ambos lados del Atlántico, a conclusión es una sola:

Delcy, como protagonista, y Maduro, como su verdadero jefe, contaban con toda esta información cada vez que la tiranía chavista ha tenido que negociar algo con la democracia española. Y Ábalos, como protagonista, no podía ignorarlo cuando Sanchez, su verdadero jefe, lo destituyó primero, y mandó echarlo del partido, después.

Una reunión Ábalos-Maduro

Porque lo de “las empresas españolas” se explica en los folios del 66 al 68. Ahí, la UCO detalla la vinculación de Aldama con el Ministerio de Transportes de Ábalos, con quien ya tenía “todo armado” el 17 de septiembre de 2019

“Con motivo de su faceta empresarial ligada a Venezuela”, su relación con Delcy fue clave para “reforzar su posición privilegiada en el Ministerio” al firmar con Globalia, “una empresa perteneciente al ámbito de competencia del MITMA” un contrato para intermediar en el cobro de una deuda de 200 millones.

“Según información aportada por la AEAT a este procedimiento, Aldama firmaba […] with this company on September 17, 2019“, indicates the document given by the Civil Guard to the judge. The file which proves it consists of a conversation between the organizer of the plot and the Venezuelan vice-president, “with whom he maintained a close relationship at that time”.

This speech comes from January 26, 2020…a few days after the Barajas incident, when Delcy asked “how is the boss”, referring to Ábalos, on February 12two weeks later. “Well, today isn’t your best day [sic] Yesterday at dawn he had very harsh words with the 1st and today everything went well but next Wednesday his resignation will be rejected in Congress”, in reference to a disapproval that did not take place.

…although the case had already been prosecuted and instruction number 7 from Madrid had requested the images from Aena’s security cameras.

And because apart from the plane which left Moscow January 1, 2020, I’m passing by Zambia on day 2, and I landed at Caracas on the third day, supposedly with gold bars exchanged with DelcyUCO refers to more oil and diamond companies that Aldama managed to manage in Venezuela thanks to this patronage and political network.

Because the gold bars appear in the UCO report, on page 69, when we read how Aldama negotiated with Delcy a purchase and sale contract in which the National Development Fund of Venezuela (FONDEN ) offers 104 gold bars to BANCASA SA, worth 68,498,254.11 US dollars.

It was the December 27, 2019shortly after Aldama wrote the letter to Ábalos to invite him to Spain, and shortly before, in fact, the Venezuelan vice-president landed in Barajas.

With such an expensive case closed, the conversation between Aldama, already installed in the Delcy ministry, evolves beautifully: he tries to organize himself with “the boss” Delcy a telephone meeting between “the boss” Ábalos” and Nicolás Maduro himself.

According to what the UCO extracts from the plot leader’s cell phone, the vice president “tells him they don’t have an agenda” and Aldama responds, “Oh, okay, say- me, we will be with him for a while. “Immediately afterwards, Delcy adds “Perfecto V!!!”. And then, Aldama tells him “And if you don’t talk to the one who is the BOSS hahaha ijha”.




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