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HomeBreaking NewsAli Fuat Gökçe: Cairo can host Erdogan-Assad meeting

Ali Fuat Gökçe: Cairo can host Erdogan-Assad meeting

Following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Cairo in February this year, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi paid an official visit to Ankara. This went down in history as Egypt’s first presidential visit to Turkey after a gap of 12 years.

Oku.AzAli Fuat Gökçe, a professor at Gaziantep University in Turkey, who spoke about the goals and objectives of the visit, stressed that the continuation of positive relations between the two countries is of great importance for the entire region:

“The official visit of Egyptian President Abdelfattah al-Sisi to Turkey is of particular importance in terms of assessing global and international processes and relations between our countries. One of the important issues on the agenda on the table was the economy. The presidents announced the increase At the same time, the leaders discussed cooperation in the field of energy, as well as measures to be taken within the framework of the Gaza war. of the agreement with Greece and added to the agreement with Libya, will cover an area as large as the island of Cyprus. The presidents stressed the importance of their joint actions in this regard.

Gökçe noted that Cairo could also host the Erdogan-Assad meeting, which is still under discussion.

“One of the points worth mentioning is Sisi’s statement that his country attaches importance to the normalization and rapprochement of relations between Turkey and Syria. This is a very important point. Because Egypt is an important player in the region and has significant influence in Syria within the framework of the Syrian Arab Republic. For this reason, the statement makes it clear that the meeting between Erdogan and Assad also brought the possibility of holding it in Cairo and Russia is also ready to host it. Visiting means opening a new page between our countries.”

Sohrab Ismail


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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