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Alicante City Council sells 18,000 shopping vouchers for seniors in three days with a record number of beneficiaries

The sixth Alicante Trade Bonus campaign has been sold and distributed 18,183 senior bonds during the three days of in-person sales for those over 65. They were put into circulation around 600,000 euros among the 700 establishments advertisements participating in this edition. In addition, general online sales will open this Thursday.

The main novelty this year was the maximum sales amount set at 400 euros, a measure that increased the number of people who were able to buy the voucher, reaching a total of 1,263 people older and more combative saveas the city council said in a press release.

THE advise of Commerce, Markets and Hospitality, Lydia Lopezmade a first assessment and stressed that “the data supports one of the best political and economic initiatives that has been promoted in the city” and was “very proud” of this proposal.

“Bonds have a new reception unbeatable, they are a bestseller and we have reached many more elderly people than in previous editions. With them, we have managed to inject three million euros into local businesses in one month and revitalize them in a period where there are not many sales before the campaign. Black Friday and of Christmas” he stressed.

The campaign has a total amount in bonds of 3,148,242 euros, it began on September 23 and will end on October 27, 2024. It is promoted by the Alicante City Council, through the Department of Commerce, Markets and Hospitality, managed by the Chamber of Commerce and financed by the Provincial Council of Alicante.

In this edition, the stores and establishments of the neighborhoods “have gone all out” and López thanked all the merchants for their trust. “They are the ones who give meaning to the campaign organized to support them by encouraging consumption, with their ever-increasing participation and involvement, they ensure that the vouchers are sold more quickly and that the sales can be distributed and reach more people,” he stressed.

In turn, the mayor of Commerce thanked the Provincial Council, which is financing this “great campaign”, and the Chamber of Commerce, which “manages to manage the deposits very efficiently and make payments to companies quickly and safely”.

general purchase

Once the period has been reserved for the Senior PrimeThis Thursday, September 26, the online sale of general trade bonds will begin, with a total budget of 2,548,242 euros on the Alicante Trade Bonus website.

The mayor stressed the importance of “mobilizing such a high budget in this sixth campaign of the new Bonus during the last quarter of the year, managing to inject 3.1 million. We are sure that they will sell out again quickly, as there is a high demand and with them we manage to generate a profit for the people of Alicante with significant discounts on their purchases and launch a campaign that is a great stimulus for the economic fabric of our city,” he said.

For five days, adults registered in the municipality of Alicante will be able to purchase the bonds, on September 26, 27 and 30, 2024; October 1 and 2, 2024. Their sale is scheduled in two tranches from 8:30 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. each day until the daily budget of 509,648 euros is exhausted, and in each time slot it will be 254,824 euros.

Member establishments

“We have gone from a budget of 100,000 euros in 2021 to a budget of three million euros in 2024 that is quickly exhausted. This is a municipal commitment and a high-level model that directly benefits thousands of people and the commercial fabric. There are already more than 700 establishments and commercial premises in Alicante where citizens will be able to spend and exchange their vouchers of 20, 50, 100 or 200 euros, the largest number of companies in the six editions,” he stressed.

The deadline for spending bonuses is October 27, and the amount of bonuses not used during the program validity period, nor the difference between the purchase price and the value of the bonus, will not be refunded.

Among the establishments adhering to Bono Comercio are the stores foodstores clothescenters optical And auditory, shoe storeshairdressers, pharmacies, beauty centers, jewelers, photocopiers, household appliances and decoration, pharmacies, computer stores, hardware stores, toy stores, haberdashery, florists, bakeries, pet shops, furniture either computer scienceamong others. Each voucher is redeemable for a single purchase and multiple vouchers can be spent on the same purchase.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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