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HomeLatest NewsAlicante students win prize in national creativity competition against abuse

Alicante students win prize in national creativity competition against abuse

A group of Baccalaureate students IES Cabo of the Vegetable garden from Alicante won a third price in the #nosdueleatodos competition (National competition of educational centers and universities for equality and Against THE Violence of Gender), with which the Foundation Mutua Madrid For ten years, it has rewarded the best creativity created by students of all ages to raise awareness against abuse.

He music video “I am a woman” is the creative work that earned the prize for this team made up of 13 high school students from the aforementioned center of Alicante. With this, they tried to “show the emotional complexity that a woman trapped in a toxic relationship experiences.” “We wanted to convey her inner struggle between love, fear and confusion, and how she feels trapped in a cycle of emotional dependence and manipulation,” explains the student. Kevin Daniel Nogues on behalf of the entire group.

“We basically wanted to create empathy and awareness of this situation for those who experience it or know someone who experiences it,” he adds.

They carried out the project within the Audiovisual class and decided to transmit their idea through the dance and the music“since both elements have an expressive power that transcends words.”

Nogues credits the “collaboration of classmates and invaluable support from professors,” as well as “hard work of planning, rehearsals and many hours behind the cameras” for the idea to take shape. “Every dance step, every musical note and every shot was the result of a collective effort,” he says.

The competition rewards a total of 20,000 euros prizes divided into two main categories: middle and higher education.

Other winning creations

Within the competition, another creativity presented in the Valencian Community also received a third prize in the higher education category. Here is the “2015” video made by Ruth Ramosstudent in Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

As for the first prizes, in the secondary education category (ESO, Baccalauréat and Intermediate FP), the prize was awarded to the student’s short film “Don’t look away”. Hugo Camunezfrom IES Lope de Vega of Madrid, which also received the special “Zero Tolerance” prize, which involves the broadcast of the video on Atresmedia channels. For its part, “Ask for help” Maria Trelles And Cristian Munozfrom the Severo Ochoa School in Murcia, won the first prize in secondary education (FP of first cycle, postgraduate and higher level).

An initiative to raise awareness

As part of its social action line, the Mutua Madrileña Foundation designed in 2012 a priority action line against gender violence, in which it works in a double direction: on the one hand, supporting multiple initiatives of NGO who help these women and their children and, on the other hand, by launching awareness campaigns not only against this scourge, but also by promoting the social isolation of the aggressor.

For ten years, the “It Hurts Us All” competition has invited young people to develop ideas and messages in favor of equality and against gender-based violence on any communication medium.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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