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all about Jorge Rey’s infallible method

THE Cabañuelas are the foolproof method that Jorge Rey uses to make your weather forecast. We met this teenager while he was studying ESO and he warned us from his social networks about the arrival of Filomena. Meteorologists knew that it would be an exceptional episode, but none of them were as accurate as this young man whose work is truly admirable. Jorge Rey not only accurately predicts the weather, but also puts into practice a traditional method that must be preserved.

Science has given us satellites and complex weather maps, but humans have been trying to analyze and predict what will happen around us for millennia. We can know if it will rain or if it will be hot, with a system capable of starting to track a series of elements that will accompany us these days. Jorge Rey is in charge of knowing what will happen next, obtaining with precision certain information that he could not know otherwise. He is able to anticipate temporal maps with a system that must be known, the cabañuelas.

Jorge Rey’s Foolproof Method

This summer, everyone expected stifling heat and intense of previous years, but in addition to these typical heat waves, we were surprised by a rain that Jorge Rey knew would arrive early. He was the first to speak openly about a situation that has been repeated over time.

These DANAS that we see coming seem to be something that we could not expect otherwise. Weather maps provide us with relative data, with little notice, but traditional methods are capable of offering us something more intense. The ability to be able to focus on certain elements that go together.

It is time to bet clearly on systems that have surely become a tradition, that Rey and others will surely know how to preserve over time. In order to know at all times how this system works, it is necessary to know a little more about the famous cabañuelas.

This young man made them fashionable or brought them to light, but they have been a trend for a long time. Our grandparents surely followed a very similar system to be able to determine at any time what the weather might be like in a few weeks.

This is how cabañuelas work

This foolproof method used by Jorge Rey is called cabañuelas and is undoubtedly one of the most appreciated nowadays. Everything has gone well this summer and autumn, which have been rainier than usual. It is not a coincidence, but is based on a series of elements that we must know.

An article by López de los Mozos explains what cabañuelas are: “The DRAE states in its second meaning that ‘cabañuela’ (although it is usually used in the plural) is the ‘Calculation which, by observing atmospheric variations The first twelve, eighteen or twenty-four days of January or August, the masses are trained to predict the weather during each of the months of the same year or the following ones.

Continuing with the same explanation: “Coinciding with this definition, Satrústegui points out that in some towns in Navarre, it is the first twelve days of January that symbolize the twelve months of the year, so from the observation of the climatology of each of these days -augural- the corresponding months are deduced.

To know what the weather will be like, experts rely on: “August 1 and 24 are very useful, along with June 24 (San Juan) and serve as a key to the forecasts, as well as that of the 28th (San Agustín) is also one, because these are the days when it is convenient to look in more detail given the amount of data that they can provide in addition: wind and rain, very valid to make forecasts with greater precision. Buitrago indicates in his curious brochure that “experts and fans of this traditional system of cabañuelas usually resort to the observation of meteorological phenomena throughout the month of August. The reason for this month? Well, at the moment we don’t know, there is no scientific explanation, but what is known is that the month of August in Spain approximately governs the meteorology of the following months”, as well as “the use of this technique to make a long-term weather forecast currently has no scientific basis, but its ancient procedure usually gives acceptable results. Not because I, a simple meteorologist, say so, nor because most of the forecasts made in this way have a correlation between 70% and 85% (good observers), no. Simply because people who have lived and live in the countryside corroborate it year after year.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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