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All major global stock markets are recovering from August hemorrhage and the Ibex 35 is targeting annual highs

Although August is about to end with the major global indices in good positions, the month began with a sharp decline that spread to stock indicators around the world like a virus. And the poor employment data in the United States raised fears of a possible recession that worried investors around the world. After that moment, which occurred at the beginning of August, the most important stock exchanges managed to to come back of his descendants and return to trading at pre-panic levels.

The main German index, the Dax, was the one who managed to exceed the price he marked on the trading floor the most before the fall caused by the possible North American recession. Specifically, it has already exceeded its value of 2.15%, and although at the beginning of August its decline reached more than 6%, it is already in trading at historic highs. And this Thursday set a new record, driven by optimism about the evolution of interest rates. The German index advanced 0.7% in the session, reaching 18,912.47 points and exceeding its previous maximum. This dates back to May 15, and until now in 2024, the Dax It increased by almost 13% and was therefore one of the best performers in terms of indices on the Old Continent.

On the Old Continent, this is the Euro Stoxx 50, the benchmark in the Eurozone, the second indicator that has exceeded its price the most before autumn, at the end of July, to be precise, he has increased by 1.84%. The index, after reaching its lowest point on August 5, managed to recover with an increase of more than 8%.

At the national level, the Ibex 35 – which on the 22nd of this month was positioned as the most bullish stock market in Europe in 2024 – managed to exceed its pre-pandemic stock market value. terrible fall up to 1.48%. The benchmark index is just 0.7% away from returning to its annual highs, which it set at the beginning of June at 11,444 integers (it closed the session this Thursday at 11,358.60). During the global decline, the Spanish stock market registered a collapse of more than 7%, although it was one of the best performers on the stock market and has caught its breath, rebounding, from the lowest point, by 9.2%.

in a year turbulent For French politics, the CAC has been during the year one of the indices that remained red for the longest time, and the French indicator reached its lowest point in early August, standing at 7,130 points on day 6. However, after a weakness that seemed to persist over time, with no sign of improvement due to the electoral consequences, The Paris index managed to exceed 1.40% the price it was at before the big drop.

On the other side of the Atlantic, in the United States, the benchmark indices The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones also managed to erase the stock market declines they suffered after fearing a recession. Wall Street indicators managed to exceed the pre-fall levels by 2.02% and 1.36% respectively.

The Nasdaq 100, with the rise it experienced in mid-session this Thursday, also manages to recover the levels before the collapse at the beginning of the month. The reality is that August has not been an easy start to the month for technology, which has been involved in a fall that does not seem to be improving. The index that groups the 100 most important companies in the sector fell by almost 8% in the first days of the month. But since the last day 7, it has been able to recover on the stock market by up to 9.6%. It recorded an increase of more than 1% on Thursday mid-afternoon, despite the decline of companies such as Nvidia, which recorded declines of 3.5%.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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