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HomeBreaking NewsAll opposition, except Vox, asks the Council for "loyalty" in immigration policy

All opposition, except Vox, asks the Council for “loyalty” in immigration policy

The entire opposition, with the exception of Vox, today opted for a socialist motion in which the Junta is asked to show “loyalty” to the government in immigration policy, especially in the reception of unaccompanied immigrant minors, while wondering what the PP’s position could be after the rupture of the pact with Vox, according to Ical.

The motion, which will be voted on tomorrow in the second session of the plenary session of the Cortes, left two opposing positions: that of the opposition groups, who appealed to the humanity and solidarity of immigrants and that of Vox, which demanded their expulsion to their places of origin, while the PP defended that the Council is “loyal” to the government, although there is, as they pointed out, no national policy on the matter and called for a migration pact.

In the presentation, lawyer Patricia Gómez said that “works are loves” and said that we will see where each one is and if there is collaboration with the government and solidarity with communities like the Canary Islands.

“We are clear about this, always with Human Rights.” “We know where the extreme right is.” “We need to know where you are, members of the PP, if you are with whom you are hateful or if you want to whitewash yourselves,” he concluded.

Gómez accused the PP that, if Vox had not been dissolved, it would govern with “the one who tells hoaxes”, affirming that the Government gives all the information in the sectoral Conferences and awaits the response of the Council. “This motion speaks of solidarity, commitment and collaboration,” he concluded.

The motion expressly proposes to cooperate loyally and responsibly with the Spanish government to promote the reception of the migrant population in Castilla y León.

In addition to adopting relevant measures against hate speech directed against unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents, increasing the budget to reach 0.1 percent this year in international development cooperation policies and submitting to the Cortes a bill modifying the Law on Development Cooperation of Castilla y León.

Furthermore, he proposed, within the framework of the social dialogue, to start negotiations for a new Strategic Plan for social cohesion with migrants and intercultural coexistence, with a gender perspective, as recommended by the ESC in its 2023 report.

“The only convictions for hate crimes have been against those suffered by Vox,” began Ignacio Sicilia (Vox), who regretted that the PSOE influences illegal integration and “whitewashes the mafias”, while denying that the migrants who arrive are minors, but adults, and added that 70 percent do not contribute to social security.

Sicilia said that those who arrive on the coasts are cared for, but then they are sent to their countries, he said that Sánchez spent 3 billion to care for migrants and defended that Vox is in solidarity with those who do not have work or with those who cannot take care of some housing while the aid goes to immigrants.

“They are destroying Spanish neighborhoods and streets,” he concluded.

Thus, he proposed, in an amendment, the expulsion of immigrants, not opening reception centers for these people, not supporting NGOs that promote illegal immigration and mafias and organizing a popular consultation on the expulsion of illegal immigrants, points that Gomez rejected.

The “popular” Raúl Hernández, who described the debate as “interesting”, said that there was no national immigration policy because it was carried out and financed by communities already “loyal” to the government, such as Castilla y León, “which is in line”, as indicated by what was seen at the Sectoral Conference.

“Castilla y León has complied, has complied and will comply,” summarized the popular, to express that his party demands from the government a coordinated and consensual policy with the communities and affirmed that it is the autonomies that take care of immigrant minors, which is why he added that “the socialist criticism of the Council is a lie.”

Likewise, he presented an amendment to ask the Government to provide funding to finance the care of immigrant minors under the supervision of the Council and for the Government and the communities to establish a migration pact, as well as for this issue to be debated in the Conference of Presidents.

“This motion is simple, it is based on humanity, responsibility and solidarity, they are represented, they are in the same place as in June, when they governed with Vox,” concluded the socialist, addressing the PP and rejecting the two amendments.

in favor

Prosecutor Francisco Igea condemned the fact that “fear has been encouraged”, saying that today the lack of security is not in the Delicias neighborhood of Valladolid but at the exit of a nightclub and concluded that it is not known who the PP is, because they are silent “in the face of the indignity” of “their partners.”

Likewise, Pablo Fernández (Unidas Podemos), who brought forward the vote in favor of a necessary initiative, regretted that in Europe the migration policy of the PSOE is the same as that of the PP and the maintenance in Barajas of the Saharawi militants, and assured that since the PP, “an institutional racism has been created”, where he cited the case of the arrival of migrant minors in Villaquilambre.

For the UPL-Soria Ya, Ángel Ceña began by saying that “we all come from Africa” ​​and “we have all been migrants”, to which he announced the favorable vote, to link immigration to the increase in population, because without it “we could not be viable”, in reference to the province of Soria.




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