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“All searches seem to be for me”

The former Minister of Transport and current deputy of the Joint Group, José Luis Ábalos, assured this Monday that the government is “attacking him”“That’s why” it appears so much in the reports and the names of those around them appear: “They want to accuse me, they will try, but we will see what the Supreme Court says. It is obvious that this whole investigation is for me.” Furthermore, in a key week for his possible accusation in the Koldo case, Ábalos harshly criticized the audit ordered by the current Minister of Transport, Óscar Puentebecause, according to him, he only seeks “to intoxicate” because it was “useless”.

“Since there is a criminal investigation open, Any parallel investigation only carries the risk of poisoning and contaminate the criminal investigation,” he said in an interview on Monday in Wave zero, where he left several messages to the government of Pedro Sánchez. Among them, he implied that the report sought “generate a damning media narrative“; and insisted that his presumption of innocence had not been respected: “No one says likely. It has been forgotten. This is lynching“.

When asked if he felt the government was targeting him, he reiterated that “this report comes from the Executive” and that It was “useless”. “The administration must collaborate with Justice, and not supplant it” by developing “a parallel investigation”, he added. He therefore has “this conviction” that the Government “is attacking him” and “hence his reaction”: “I don’t think it’s innocent. “I do not order investigations from people who report to me hierarchically…”.

About his possible accusation

“This should not be done… If we have a political discourse based on transparency and respect for the rule of law, the “the administration cannot contaminate an open process”accused the former minister, who believes that “the audit is entrusted to an independent entity”. “It has all the appearance of a compliance“, but it does not meet the methodology and criteria,” he said. He had previously stressed that “those under investigation must be guaranteed their right to defense.”

And he insisted that “if you make statements from the Public Prosecutor’s Office and it is assumed that it is not appropriate to address the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, why does the administration, four years later“, say “things that are full of subjective elements.” “When you do an audit, We need to go to the data and not to the value judgments” he settled.

He therefore argued that The “report cannot be admitted into the process”, but “it has already generated stories and noise and there have been incriminations”. As for whether he is accused, he says that it does not matter: “I do not think it is for nothing. Today it turns out that the Civil Guard is going to provide data. If it is said like that, I do not need to comment further. It is a revelation that comes from an investigation.”

However, he assured that if we talk about his accusation, it means “that This step will be taken”: “But let’s see how this media story since February is explained.” “They want to indict me, they will try, but we will see what the Supreme Court says. It is obvious that this whole investigation is for me,” he stressed.

However, he complained about the leak of his possible accusation. “The prosecutor, among a group of journalists, says he is waiting for the UCO report to deal with the accusation. I don’t know if it’s very good to filter it like that.. It would be better if you said that you are waiting for the content of the report,” he said. And he assured that “he has seen reports that have taken place and certain value assessments that revolve around obtaining elements that can allow imputation“When asked if he would reach a deal if he was indicted, he maintained that “he “Try to reach an agreement when you recognize something” and “tries to diminish the responsibility,” but he, he says, “does not did nothing“.

PSOE support

The former minister and now deputy of the Mixed Group assured that the PSOE “I can’t count on the follow-upwith the clear vote that can count in everything that is reasonable.” “I will not follow. If the principles of loyalty and reciprocity are not respected, each of us changes the way we communicate. There it is broken“I don’t see much reciprocity,” he said.

For Ábalos, “we must free ourselves from commitments.” “I was elected on an electoral program and I will respond to it. And to defend my land, I will be there. Many of the decisions voted on are related to political opportunities and not to convictions,” he added, and said that “the issues of convictions for which you vote are very few.” “The majority are issues of political opportunity,” he said.

“I see that the relationship is broken. I’m still not kicked out of the game.“, he recalled, saying he tried “to understand the party’s decision to suspend his membership.” “I understand it. What I don’t understand is that they contribute your incriminationand they choose who is cushioned and who must be saved,” he accused, believing that they seek to save everyone except him.




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