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HomeTop StoriesAll the key dates for the US presidential elections in 2024

All the key dates for the US presidential elections in 2024

USA famous sound presidential elections next Tuesday November 5as one of last elections of the year around the world. But he electoral process will lengthen until January 2025with the seizure of power of the elected official for the the next four years. This will be the 47th president of American history.

Of course, before this becomes official, there are other steps to take. The first concerns the ballot boxes, where 240 million people with the right to vote will shape the Electoral Council. But voters can also, by mail, before polling day (which is always next Tuesday At first Monday in November).

How the American electoral system works

In USAyour neighbors They do not vote directly for candidates but they designate the 538 members of the Electoral Board, based on the population of each state. For example, California, the most populous, has 54 representatives. These 538 members are responsible for designating the future tenant of the White House and vice-president.

These 538 members are distributed proportionally based on population for all 50 states and the District of Columbia: the winner in each state except Maine and Nebraska wins all electoral votes. So key states existe for the candidates, since this is where the elections are really played out

Thus, the 538 members will be in charge of vote for your state via the Electoral College system (which, in the United States, is a process, not a physical location). In fact, in the United States, it is the states that are responsible for organizing elections, whether presidential or not. Each with their own laws and rules.

When is the vote count for the US elections?

A candidate needs obtain more than half of the electoral votes to ensure victory. That’s to say, more than 270 votes. But that recount won’t happen until January and will take place in Congress.

After the Electoral College meets, Congress must certify this vote, a historic procedure but one that has become very relevant in 2021 due to the assault on the Capitol Trump supporters trying to paralyze the debates.

“Inauguration Day”

Finally, the act of taking office is planned for Wednesday January 20. The inauguration will take place at US Capitol Building, seat of both houses of Congress. This is where the vice president and president-elect will pledge to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The president will then deliver an inaugural address.

This day is known as ‘Inauguration day“, a day when the president-elect takes office in Congress and a few minutes later walks around the Pennsylvania Avenue in the capital federal government just a short drive from the White House.




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