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HomeLatest NewsAllergies and intolerances: recognize them to avoid them

Allergies and intolerances: recognize them to avoid them

Approximately between 1 to 3% of Spanish adults; and between 4 and 6% of children suffer from a food allergy or intolerance.In fact, according to data from the National Health System, it is estimated that since 2016 the number of people with allergies has increased by more than 40% and continues to increase.

Among the most common causes of allergies There is pollen, certain foods, chemicals – including medications – mold, dust mites and insect bites. presence in the environmentwave contribution of these components by an allergic patient, may trigger a response from your immune system which, depending on the degree of a person’s allergy, can cause from mild skin irritation to anaphylactic shock potentially fatal.

Differences between allergy and intolerance

Although the two terms are used interchangeably, allergy and intolerance are two different conditions, as explained in Dr. Víctor Matheu, specialist in allergology at Quirónsalud Tenerife, Quirónsalud Costa Adeje and Quirónsalud Vida hospitals.

THE allergies They occur when our immune system considers a substance to be harmful and reacts against it, causing a series of symptoms that can be respiratory, digestive, skin and systemic.

In the case of the food intolerance The body reacts by not being able to metabolize a food properly and this is usually due to a metabolic problem or an enzyme deficiency. The symptoms are usually digestive.

Why are allergies increasing?

As they say, the the number of allergies has increased Its incidence has increased exponentially in recent decades. According to Dr. Matheu, one of the factors what else is it This increase is influenced by “the increasingly hot and dry climate” and with longer pollinations who, with the environmental pollution“, contributes to the increase in respiratory allergies.”

In the case of the food intoleranceshe adds, “the main causes are regime changeschanges in intestinal microbiota or hereditary factors And “genetic”.

Main symptoms of allergy

The symptoms of allergies are very varied and depend on their location, intensity and severity, as specified by the specialist, who highlights the main ones:

  • Allergy symptoms: Itchy skin, watery eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and itchy throat, wheezing in the chest and difficulty breathing…
  • Symptoms of intolerance: Fullness and pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting; very occasionally dizziness or fainting.

Allergy treatment

For the treatment of respiratory allergies The allergology specialist at the Quirónsalud hospitals in Tenerife recommends:reduce exposure to allergens as much as possible such as pollen, dust and mold, as well as keeping the house clean and avoiding going out on days when pollen levels are high.

For his part, the medicine The most recommended in these cases, as Dr. Matheu explains, would be the antihistamines and decongestants and nasal corticosteroidshighlighting the proven success of the immunotherapya treatment that involves “administering vaccines with increasing doses of the allergen to desensitize the immune system.”

In the case of the food allergiesit’s crucial identify and eliminate the food causing the allergy from the diet. For this reason, Quirónsalud recommends read THE food labels and if you suffer from a very serious allergy, always carry adrenaline injectors to be able to use them in case of anaphylaxis.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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