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“Almeida, sheller, return the money”

Vox spokesperson at the capital’s city hall, Javier Ortega Smith, He boarded a Ventas van to Plaza Elíptica, where he attacked “the Madrid plant of ‘Carmeida'” shouting “Almeida, trilero, give the money back now.”

This is Vox’s response to the government’s decision José Luis Martinez-Almeida to appeal the court’s decision that annuls the Low Emission Zones (ZBE), based on an appeal by the municipal group led by Ortega Smith. The mayor arrived at the Plaza Elíptica ZBE in a van with the words “Almeida: Return the money from the fines!” written on it.

“Vox will do what it has always done, continue to fight, even alone, so that this Madrid Central of ‘Carmeida’ ends, so that it ends these fines, these restrictions, so that there is freedom. Today we raise our voices to say “Almeida or freedom”, “PP or freedom”. And those who believe in freedom of movement, in freedom of business, in freedom of the self-employed, know that what we are defending is their freedom,” he told reporters.

The mayor traveled “from top to bottom of Madrid to see the reality of this fabulous collection machinery, with signs, cameras, fines”, passing by the headquarters of the Popular Party, on Génova Street, to Plaza Elíptica, “one of the places where Almeida collects the most money.”

There they sent him “the message that the self-employed, the transporters, the people of Madrid with fewer resources send him: Almeida, respect the sentence; Almeida, give the money back to the people of Madrid; Almeida, turn off those collection cameras, stop lying, stop political trilerianism because no one believes you anymore.

“Anxiety about continuing to put hands in the pockets of the people of Madrid”

“It has nothing to do with the environment, it has nothing to do with Europe forcing us to do it. It has to do with this excessive desire to continue putting our hands in the pockets of the people of Madrid,” said Ortega Smith, who demanded that the mayor “not seek excuses for the political trilerianism in which he is so good.”

The Vox spokesperson assured that Almeida, as attorney for the state, “he knows that he has no reason” to appeal, “that the ruling of the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) used in its foundation all the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court (TS)” and that his Madrid has been “discredited from top to bottom 360».

“Respect the sentence, do not file dilatory appeals to wait a year, two, three, four until the Supreme Court decides. Stop buying time because we all know what you are going to do, we know you very well. What you want is to modify the current order to end up maintaining the same restrictions, those that the TSJ has described as illegal, unjust, which do not respect a minimum principle of equality”, continued the first mayor.

Ortega Smith rejected aid for the renewal of vehicles as the final objective of the sanctions. “It is a lie,” he insisted, arguing that “all the money he has invested is not even enough to change a single wheel that should be changed by those millions of Madrilenians who, on January 1, will be forced to scrap their car.” vehicle.”

“Almeida’s climate fanaticism”

“Remember the people of Madrid who are most in need, stop political trilerism, stop lying and once and for all, even if only once, act like the mayor of the people of Madrid and not like the transmission belt of globalism, of the Popular Party and of which you care very little about the people of Madrid without resources. Almeida, trilero, return the money now,” he said.

Vox will continue to do everything in its power, “as it has done for the past five years, denouncing him in the media, presenting initiatives in plenary sessions and committees, taking the great environmental, legal and other lies to the last corner of Almeida’s climate fanaticism”, using and opposing its resources, doing everything in our power so that Madrid regains freedom of mobility and freedom to work.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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