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Almeida to exhibit EMT driverless bus between Colón and Cibeles for Car Free Day

The capital, but also the region, is celebrating the European Mobility Week from this Monday until September 22. To this end, and under the community motto “Shared public space”, the capital’s council is proposing a vast participatory program to citizens.

The program detailed by the city hall this Monday highlights the exhibition of a driverless bus between the Colón and Cibeles squares or the performance of a gospel choir (Gospel Factory) in the cars most requested by the EMT in the cycle ‘Mobility’. sung’.

The Community, for its part, is joining this initiative for the first time and, among other demands, will offer cyclists free use of the metro during the car-free day.

Independent coach

This is one of the main attractions of the week. A driverless bus from the Municipal Transport Company (EMT) will travel this part of the Recoletos promenade on the 22nd. The model is equipped with the most advanced technologies to capture the environment through mechanisms such as centimeter-precision GPS sensors, 3D obstacle detection or artificial vision cameras. The vehicle will demonstrate the capabilities that new applications bring to traffic, from the algorithmic resolution of everyday traffic situations to parking maneuvers.

‘Roller disco’ at Cibeles

The Plaza de Cibeles will be transformed on the 22nd into a discotheque for skaters. To complement the activity and make it more dynamic, the participation of specialized instructors is planned who will offer free classes to the little ones to the rhythm of the music.

Urban hiking

Following the spirit of the week, the Department of Environmental Education of the municipality offers various activities and workshops in the environmental education centers (CIEA). The Dehesa de la Villa organizes on Sunday 22nd, at eleven o’clock in the morning, a bicycle route from its facilities to the Paseo del Prado. For its part, the CIEA Huerto del Retiro offers, at the same time, a guided urban hike to get to know the daily and little-known mass of trees that shade the path between Atocha and Colón.

History of transport

On the same day that the autonomous bus will delight the public with the skills that new technologies bring to traffic, the EMT, between Atocha and Neptuno, will show the public the jewels of its museum. Among them the Guy Arab II from 1984, the Pegaso 6035 or the mythical Renault Citybus Hispano.

road safety education

One of the pillars of the European Mobility Week is to generate, from childhood, citizens trained in the code and highway codes. With this educational will, the Municipal Police will install a road education park on the 22nd and in the open car-free space between Colón and Atocha. For their part, the Mobility Agents will be responsible for a bicycle gymkhana for children so that between games, the basic notions of traffic are established and the priority rudiments of safety and protection are known.

Fauna and road

Under the title “The mobility of our fauna: a wild odyssey”, the Madrid Zoo is organizing a workshop that focuses on the problems that transport infrastructures generate for fauna and ecosystems. So much so that the construction of a railway or a highway can modify the behavior of animals or isolate populations of certain species.

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The contribution of the municipal police could not be missing in the car-free day program. For this reason, the Corps will take high-powered motorcycles to the streets and the sky will be populated with drones. All with the aim of explaining the tools that best contribute to maintaining road safety in the city.

Motorcycle route through the mountains

For the first time in the fifteen editions of the European Mobility Week, the Community of Madrid is joining the initiative with its own agenda. To begin with, on Sunday 22nd, transport on the metro network will be free for all users who come with their bicycle. In addition, schools, engineering schools and senior centres are invited to find out about the progress of the works on metro line 3, from Villaverde to El Casar.

This is not the only place that the curious will be able to discover these days: the Citram, the public transport management center of the region, will allow to visit the facilities that control, with more than 10,000 cameras, nearly 5,000 buses and trains.

The regional government has also called for Saturday 21st, at eleven o’clock, a route for motorcyclists that will cross the enclaves of the Sierra Norte in a stage whose final finish line is in the town of Torrelaguna.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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