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HomeLatest NewsAlternative for Germany and other ultra forces promote new European party

Alternative for Germany and other ultra forces promote new European party

The division of the far-right forces in the European Parliament has brought a new consequence: the creation of a new political party at the European level led by Alternative for Germany and other ultra forces, such as the French Reconquete, the Polish Konfederacja and the Dutch Eurosceptic Forum for Democracy, among others. Under the name of Europe of Sovereign Nations, the seven national organizations have formally requested their constitution to the Authority of European Political Parties, although a response is still pending.

The creation of the political party is the next step in the formation of a third far-right group after last June’s elections, based on the divisions that exist between the far-right formations, largely due to the ultranationalist character of each of them. and the battle of egos within this political spectrum. A few weeks before the elections, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally and Matteo Salvini’s League broke with the Alternative for Germany after its candidate, Maximilian Krah, justified the SS in an interview.

From then on, the two groups that until now represented the extreme right in the European Parliament have split into three. The union of Le Pen and Salvini with Viktor Orbán’s Fidez and the adhesion of other formations, such as Vox, have made the Patriots for Europe the first extreme right group in the European Parliament, followed by the Reformists and Conservatives (ECR) that are led by the Fratelli d’Italia and the Polish Law and Justice party, to which the European People’s Party does not apply the cordon sanitaire.

The quarrels between them have left aside Alternative for Germany, which until then shared a family with Le Pen or Salvini under the umbrella of Identity and Democracy. Eventually, they managed to gather the necessary deputies to form another group, which has advantages in terms of economy and visibility. Today, the Europe of Sovereign Nations is going even further by registering as a political party, which will also include the Hungarian movement Our Homeland, to the right of the extreme right Viktor Orbán; the Czech SPD, which has neo-Nazi links; the Slovak Republic; and the Lithuanian Union for People and Justice.

European political parties receive additional funding from the EU budget. The contributions, which can amount to up to 90% of reimbursable expenses, are used to cover meeting and representation costs, publications, administrative, staff and travel costs; and campaigns for European elections.

In 2024, the European People’s Party received €13.5 million; the Party of European Socialists, €10.7 million; Identity and Democracy, €4.36 million; ERC, €4.43 million; the European Democratic Party (PNV), €1.33 million; the ALDE liberals, €5.67 million; the Green Party, €4.86 million; and the Party of the European Left, €1.88 million.

The European request for sovereign nations is awaiting authorization from the Authority of European Political Parties, which currently classifies it as “incomplete”, as is the case of the Alliance of the European Left for the People and the Planet, promoted by Podemos, Francia Insumisa, the Portuguese Bloco and other formations to mark the distance with the classic left.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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