Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 8:59 pm
HomeTop StoriesAlvise offered businessman “CriptoSpain” free talks in the European Parliament, financed by...

Alvise offered businessman “CriptoSpain” free talks in the European Parliament, financed by “Commission funds”

New audio released between Alvise and the businessman ‘CriptoSpain’. As ‘’ reveals, the leader of the political group ‘Se Acabó la Fiesta’ proposed to Romillo to give free conferences in the European Parliament, which would also be financed by “commission funds”.

This is how Alvise proposed it to the businessman: “You are more than invited to the European Parliament. If you want to give a lecture… We can do it in an apolitical way, with Commission funds. From industry.”

And that’s not the only offer Alvise presents to Romillo. Convinced that will be the key to a so-called Feijóo – Abascal coalition government, He proposed laws favorable to his business.

“This means that in a possible government agreement, I can put as ‘sine qua non’ legislation relating to bitcoins”, said.

Alvise, in his defense, attributes the collection of 100,000 euros for work carried out privately, and that the messages provided do not represent the entire conversation.

The expert report concludes that the messages to which it refers They could not be manipulated.




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