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HomeLatest NewsAlvise plaintiff asks to intervene at Malaga drive-in cinema, in a restaurant...

Alvise plaintiff asks to intervene at Malaga drive-in cinema, in a restaurant and at the Selvatic Festival

The conspiracy for the alleged illegal financing of Alvise Pérez’s campaign is making waves throughout Málaga. Álvaro Romillo, the businessman who denounced the MEP, asked the National Court in his complaint to intervene in three companies in the capital of the Costa del Sol. On one side there is the restaurant called. Carbon blackon the other hand, the promoter Jungle Party and finally, the drive-inwhich is listed as the largest in Europe. Everything for a possible liquidation of the Madeira Invest Club after hundreds of complaints of fraud.

Selvatic Málaga Fest and Málaga Forum affirm, for their part, that “they do not have any type of relationship no contractual link with Madeira Invest Club» that the data of the Selvatic Málaga Fest and the Málaga Forum are available for public consultation in the commercial register.

The festival organization explains that it is a “solvent” cultural project and that in 2024 it has obtained “solid results, and in a civic, healthy and safe environment”. They will not make any declaration and will let the legal course of actions taken by third parties take their normal course.

Businessman Álvaro Romillo denounced the fact that MEP Luis ‘Alvise’ Pérez received 100,000 euros from his hands in cash in the middle of the European election campaign. This Thursday he proposed to testify before the National Court to “clarify any questions” related to the alleged scam committed by Madeira Invest Club. A matter for which he accumulates complaints.


In a letter addressed to the Central Court of Instruction Number 4, Romillo opens up to “facilitate educational workmake a statement if you are summoned and provide documents.” This despite the fact that the president of the court has not yet opened a criminal case, but rather asked the prosecutor’s office to inform him in advance about the jurisdiction of the court to investigate.

The judge issued the letter after victims of an alleged scam asked the National Court to investigate the alleged fraud of more than 300 million euros committed by Madeira Investment Club. So far there are two complaints, presented respectively by Aránguez Abogados and Zaballos Abogados.

The first represents just over 500 people affected and explains in his writings that Romillo, who presented himself under the pseudonym CriptoSpain, “boasts of being a great expert in tax evasion and connoisseur of cryptocurrencies”. According to these reports, Romillo would have “publicly expressed the connecting this plot to Alvise Pérezthis is why he argues and excuses the paralysis of the platform and the non-return of capital to the people concerned.

500 complaints

Romillo’s representation explains to the judge that on September 19 he filed a complaint “self-assessment” before the State Attorney General’s Office in which he detailed “a series of facts in case they could constitute a crime and placing himself at the disposal of Justice to clarify any question, committing to liquidate his assets in order to to meet investor payments.

In the complaint, Romillo claims to have delivered 100,000 euros “in cash” » to MEP Alvise Pérez on May 27, a few weeks before the European elections. This letter was sent to the prosecutor’s office of the Supreme Court, which must now decide whether to investigate Pérez for an alleged offense of illegal financing.

Romillo points out that Pérez contacted him because he had a “need for traffic and reach.” For this I needed funds did not need to be audited by the Court of Auditors. “Funds for the party and money to face certain fines for revealing secrets against the state and data protection,” he says in the complaint.

The MEP He would have gone to Romilloprecisely, due to his position as CEO of the Madeira Invest Club. In this context, and while awaiting the magistrate’s decision on the possible opening of a file, Romillo’s lawyers ask “that he acts as he considers appropriate in order to guarantee the rights of each of the actors involved in the affair”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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