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HomeLatest NewsAlvise says Spain does not publish electoral registers and the Twitter community...

Alvise says Spain does not publish electoral registers and the Twitter community denies it

The MEP and leader of the “Party is Over” group of voters suffered the weight of reality when he tried once again to discredit the electoral process in Spain. Last Monday, Alvise Pérez launched a series of questions on air on the social network X (formerly Twitter) about the Spanish elections, in response to a question from the economist Juan Ramón Rallo. The questions dealt with the possible reasons for the failure to publish the electoral registers in Venezuela, as required by the law of this Caribbean country.

The ultra agitator implied in his questions that in our country the electoral registers have not been published in the last 40 years, that the LOREG (the organic law that regulates electoral processes) does not require their publication or he insinuated that this is due to the lobbying work of Indra, the company that gathers the provisional results of each polling station in each election and makes them available to citizens.

The Twitter community was quick to dismantle the MEP’s post with two simple sentences: “The minutes of any electoral process are public. “One copy is posted at the entrance to the polling station, two more are sent to the Central Electoral Commission and the rest is distributed to the members of the polling station.”

As happened in the last European elections on June 9, it is common at least since 2019 that various contents are circulating this question and misinforming about the role of Indra in the vote count. Despite these hoaxes, reported and explained in this article by the verifier, the company is hardly responsible for providing the necessary electronic means so that, on election day, the provisional data are transmitted correctly and in a timely manner, before the public tender.

On this occasion, although the MEP of “The party is over” did not claim that Indra was carrying out the recount, which is carried out by the members of each polling station, previously chosen by drawing lots, he wondered whether the minutes of the vote were published. However, according to the electoral law [algo que Alvise niega o, al menos, desconoce]Each table carries out a recount led by its chairman and, at the end, must draw up an official report of which several copies are made.

Then, one of the copies of this report is made public immediately by placing it outside the electoral college (article 98 of the LOREG), and copies of this report are given to both the Administration and the representatives of the parties who request it. Once the copies of the reports have been given, Indra’s role is to transmit to the entire population the provisional data that the representation of the Public Administration sends to the company. The final electoral data are published five days after the elections, after the general control.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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