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Alvise-sponsored financial club closes after announcing the blocking of its accounts due to its links with ultras

Madeira Invest Club, the investment office that Alvise Pérez sponsored on April 6 at an event in Madrid in the middle of the pre-campaign for the European Championships, and which offered its clients returns of up to 53%, closed its doors this Monday in a surprising manner. The Telegram channel with which it communicated with its community is now deactivated, its offices are closed and its telephone numbers do not work.

There is only one email left,, for investors to contact the entity, but with the warning that any communication sent to this mailbox risks ending up in the hands of the control bodies or even the justice system. The notice is relevant because the main advantage offered by this alleged investment office, against which the CNMV issued an alert in May 2023 for not being authorized to carry out this intermediation, was the secrecy about the identity of its clients, which it claimed to be ignorant of.

The announcement of the end of the activity was made by the leader of the community, who has never identified himself by his real name but says his name is Luis, in a video in which he explains that his company is about to close after an alleged investigation that, he claims, has blocked all his bank accounts and neutralized all the activity of the company.

In the video, the visible leader of the Madeira Invest Club, a character who always appears with a mask so as not to be recognized and who has been defending tax evasion on various Internet forums for years, attributes this “persecution” to the information recently linked to the MEP SALF (acronym for The Party’s Over). Last Friday, El Confidencial published that Alvise had diverted donations to “a beach bar reported by the CNMV.” A beach bar that the far right itself promoted at an event in Madrid on April 6.

The Madeira Invest Club spokesman told his investors that the entity, which presented itself as an operator that acted against the system by promoting tax evasion, had resisted all kinds of attacks, but that these multiplied for “political” reasons. He indicated that it was the links with Alvise that put an end to this financial vehicle.

He justified it this way: “Let’s say that we have been confronted with many things, but just a few days ago the confrontation intensified and they associated us with Alvise, as you already know, with the issue of politics, illegal financing, money laundering, a lot of quite shady and quite strange issues, what they did was that we blocked all the accounts linked to the Madeira Invest Club.

The video does not detail how many people have invested funds in the Madeira Invest Club. The number of members involved is “one can imagine” but “it is quite a large volume,” he emphasizes. The vehicle promised returns well above those of the market – between 30% and 60% – on purchases of digital works of art and other luxury products. Sources close to its activity indicate that there are several hundred investors with significant investments and from very diverse sectors.

The confidentiality and profit margin promised by Madeira Invest Club managed to fill the La Zarzuela racetrack on April 6 in Madrid. There, Alvise spoke and told the guests, in front of the logo of Sentinel BQ, one of the products linked to this investment club: “Here you are doing a certain type of politics, which is the counter-policy of a mafia state, forgive me for saying it, criminal, which steals more than 70 to 75% of what you all produce. “I call this modern slavery,” said the MEP, who appealed to “the freedom that these corrupt people fear so much.”

Barely five months after that event at the racetrack between vintage cars, cocktails and refined catering service, the investment office ends its activity, with the promise to keep secret until the end about the people who contributed their money, and the commitment that it will try to sell assets to obtain liquidity and will try to cover the funds of its investors. Regarding the information that links Madeira Invest Club to Alvise or to the illegal financing of parties or money laundering, the spokesman of the financial office assures that he must provide the information he has to anyone who asks for it and denies that his signature has committed any illegality.

The anti-tax activist who created the Madeira Invest Club repeats several times during the 17 minutes of his video that his company will guarantee those who have transferred money through his entity the confidentiality of all their data. To reassure them, he assured that the servers of MIC, the acronym he uses to refer to his company, “broke down” and that it was not possible to save the documentation on the flow of money, profitability or origin of the capital.

The spokesman for the entity denounced by the CNMV denied that its financial vehicle donated one million euros to Alvise’s party for the European election campaign and cites this example among the “crazy things” that have been said. But he warns that the investigation, whose origin he does not identify, will try to discover which companies and individuals transferred capital through his office, where the money went and what return it provided to the person who moved it.

He says they are “quite calm” because, he assures, “there has been no illegal activity.” “I want you to be calm about the situation,” he tells his clients, because at Madeira Invest they do not have “true information” about the identity of their clients: “We are not going to give up any type of data.”

In his long message to the community, the head of the Madeira Invest Club did not estimate the number of investors who operated through his company, but he stressed on several occasions that the Madeira Invest Club reached “many people” and reached “a volume large enough to attract the attention” of what he called enemies, among which he specifically cited the Government and the CNMV. “I understand that you will all be very angry,” he said to those involved. “We have not done anything illegal.”

On May 25, the former candidate of Se Acabó la Fiesta asked his supporters for money through the social network Telegram to finance his campaign through cryptocurrencies in different blockchain networks and collected the equivalent of 6,180 euros. On July 25, part of this investment was transferred to another wallet and would end up feeding the funds of Madeira Club Invest.

The warning issued by the CNMV about this alleged investment club in May 2023 has also been extended to the company that appears to control it, a company domiciled in New Mexico (United States) called Proelucyon, LLC. As the stock market regulator had warned in May 2023, neither of these two entities “is authorized to carry out the activities reserved for collective investment undertakings” provided for by Spanish legislation.

The main page of the Madeira Invest Club website states that it is currently “under maintenance”. “We are working on improving the platform and will be back in a few days,” the website promises. Last Friday, some “digital art works” could still be seen in which, it said, its investors had participated: luxury yachts, shipping containers, warehouses in Punta Cana, apartments in Chiclana, “Obra Parking VIP Bernabéu”, bottles of whisky, Ferrari, vintage motorcycles… The site belongs to a company registered in January 2022 in Orlando (Florida, United States), BLV Services LLC.

This Monday also ceased to be operational the Cryptospain portal, which until now claimed that with Madeira they had achieved returns of “53.19%” with the purchase of a building in the center of Granada in 2023. “It is a profitability of the host. . And we have had other works with similar profitability,” they said.

Among the services offered by Cryptospain is Sentinel BQ, whose logo appeared in large letters at the event that the current far-right MP attended on April 6 to promote the Madeira Invest Club.

Sentinel BQ explains on its website that its “main objective is to protect what belongs to you without anyone knowing what it is”, “that is, with complete anonymity” and “in compliance with the law”. It claims to offer its services on Maldonado Street in Madrid, although the owner of its website is BLV Services, the aforementioned Florida company that owns the Madeira Invest Club website. “Any relationship between the user and BLV will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with US law”, the Sentinel BQ website states. Its motto is a declaration of intent: “The security of anonymity at the disposal of your money”.

They present it as “the only space in Europe with more than 5,000 level 7 fortified lockers, available for rent without any type of identification, always in compliance with the law, allowing the storage of documents, money, jewelry, watches, gold, USB… with four guarantees that no other space can offer you”: “24-hour military protection”, “1 billion euro camera insurance”, “Access without KYC”, abbreviation in English for “Know your customer”. And the goods are “not seizable, since they do not allow you to be identified”. Sources consulted by point out that the monthly rent for each safe is around 500 euros.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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