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Alzórriz revolts after harsh criticism for his actions in Parliament: “I am not a thug”

UPN and PPN agreed this Monday to ask the PSN for a more “respectful” tone in the debates in the Parliament of Navarre, while the socialist spokesman, Ramón Alzórriz, stressed that since its formation, it has never insulted, and who, on the other hand, called him a “thug” or a “rogue”.

At the end of the Table and Council of Spokespersons of the Parliament of Navarre, the spokesman of the UPN, Javier Esparza, said that Ramón Alzórriz “wants to show herself as if she were a nun of charity and the same Chivite proposes her for the Peace Prize in Navarre”.We all know each other, just listen to Alzórriz to see what tone you use every day. I asked the President of the Government during the first plenary session of Parliament this year and the President of the Government shouted at me using familiar words that do not fit into the context of what a political speech should be. During the second plenary session, last Thursday, I spoke on a motion and the spokesperson for the Socialist Party came out shouting again. “Let them relax,” he asked, to criticize “the forms, the tone, the manipulations they do daily, the lies or the insults.”

Esparza said that “It is obvious that they find themselves in personal problems.who get involved in party affairs, they have been doing it for years, they try to discredit me and other colleagues every day by having an artichoke in front of them.”

He then asked “to defend the arguments as Everyone estimates, but let’s do it without shouting“We’re going to do it without insults, we’re going to do it respecting who we have in front of us, which I think is the least we can do and it has to be done.”

Furthermore, he assured that the The PSN makes “political threats, I’m not talking about physical threats, everyone understands that”. “If Alzórriz wants to take this out of context, it is himself, but I am talking about political threats, yes, of ‘being careful of the consequences’ if you are an organization or an association and you want to raise your finger against the Government. We, associations, They have said it, they have also transferred us on occasion. What is the tone and attitude at these meetings when there are tensions?and what slamming doors look like,” he said.

For this reason, Esparza requested that “There is a reflection and I would like to find a socialist party in a different tone, with his argumentation, with his political positions, but in a rational tone and which of course lowers the volume of his voice, because shouting does not make him more right.

The spokesperson for PSN’s Ramón Alzórriz said that the Socialist Party “We are not going to be intimidated, we are not going to be stigmatized,” and he challenged “any political party to publicly reveal when the Socialist Party has insulted this Parliament.” Faced with this, Alzórriz criticized the fact that he was called “a thug, a tyrant, a scumbag, a brawler, a rat, etc., and we have never insulted him.” “We may have clear and strong positions, but we have never insulted and we have not used insults like those of Mr. Javier Esparza against me and against the President of the Government of Navarre“They’re not going to stigmatize us or silence us, but I challenge myself here and now to tell myself when we have personally attacked and insulted,” he said.

Regarding Esparza, the socialist spokesman said: that “the only thing I said to you is a lame duck, nothing more and nothing less than an expression of American policy of saying that a person is endangered, nothing more.” “I don’t think I was disrespectful to anyone. So there are the words of some and the words of others,” he said.

Ramón Alzórriz criticized Esparza for accusing him of “threatening colleagues from his own party in the corridors, to parliamentary partners, to journalists” and considered that “the accusations are serious enough for me to come here with evidence and prove them.” “I am a person who dialogues, who negotiates and who defends his positions with zeal, but I am not a thug or a threat to anyone. Business and dialogue, something that others do not do,” he assured.

The parliamentarian of PPN Irene Royo asked the Socialist Party “to behave more civilized in Parliament and in parliamentary activity.” “In this institution, of course, we must behave with more civility, setting an example to Navarrese society. We can fill our mouths by talking and asking for dialogue and coexistence, but we have an intimidating behavior, which causes a polarization of society. We ask the Socialist Party to behave more civilized, more civic and respectful with the rest of our colleagues, especially with the opposition,” he said.

Royo declined to give names. specific PSN members who are linked to this behavior and he stressed that last Thursday “there was a very strong debate in the plenary session, and not only in this plenary session, but there were also other calls.” “For a better coexistence and for everyone to be able to dialogue and debate, which is what this is about, I think it should be reoriented,” he said.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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