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HomeBreaking NewsAmazon should stop selling it after Nokia lawsuit wins

Amazon should stop selling it after Nokia lawsuit wins

The history of Nokia patents repeats itself. Readers of EL ESPAÑOL – El Androide Libre will remember that Nokia obtained the withdrawal of OPPO and OnePlus mobile phones in Germany, after a lawsuit in which it demanded payment for the use of its patents; The good news is that OPPO and Nokia signed a peace agreement at the beginning of the year and the other brands of the group joined it. Now the same situation is happening again, but with Amazon.

The judgment published this week by a German court means that Nokia can order Amazon’s Fire TV Stick recalled from market; although the company clarified that it has not yet made a decision whether to exercise this right, nor whether it will allow Amazon to continue selling these devices until the legal situation is resolved. In any case, it will make the decision “soon,” according to a representative Bloomberg.

As usual, it should be noted that Nokia, which is responsible for this trial, It’s not the same Nokia as the cell phonesbut the telecommunications, 5G and networking specialist. These divisions became independent when Microsoft acquired the smartphone maker; The telecommunications Nokia, also known as Nokia Oyj, has continued to invest in new technologies, while operating its gigantic wallet patent.

Nokia says it receives no compensation from many manufacturers that use these patents in their products, mainly for technologies related to wireless connectivity. In the case of Amazon, Nokia accuses the internet giant of using technology that can reduce video file size that are transmitted over wireless networks. This technology is used in Amazon Fire TV Stick to stream video, and at the moment, these seem to be the only devices affected; or at least, the only ones that Nokia can stop selling.

Like the rest of the manufacturers sued by Nokia, Amazon alleged in its defense that the Finnish company asks for an exorbitant amount of money to license the technologies related to these patents. As happened with OPPO, this was not enough to avoid the precautionary measure of product withdrawal.

Specifically, Nokia can only order the removal of Amazon Fire TV Stick from stores in Germany; therefore, Spain will not be affectedAt least for now. Nokia has also sued Amazon in the European Union, the United States, India and the United Kingdom, and depending on the results of these lawsuits, the blockade could be extended to the rest of the world.

Another important detail is that Amazon promised users that Devices already sold will continue to operate without any problem, and that the court’s decision only affects the sale of new devices anyway. Nokia cannot order the withdrawal of devices already sold, nor that their operation be modified or affected.




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