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Americans appreciated Putin’s “creature” – EADaily, September 8, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

The Russian president has named Kamala Harris as his favourite in the upcoming US elections, the American portal Breitbart reports. The majority of the nearly three thousand commentators on the article rated the presidential candidate’s leadership qualities very negatively. And some assessed Putin’s joke as support for Donald Trump.

president of russia Vladimir Putin named his favorite in the upcoming US elections Kamala Harris.

At a press conference last Thursday, he said he would like to see Joe BidenBut since she dropped out of the race, her successor, Vice President Kamala Harris, has come to the fore. Putin said her “infectious laugh” showed her good humor.

Putin’s ironic comment was made at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. The Russian leader ridiculed the very idea that Russia could have preferences in the presidential race.

“I said that our favorite, so to speak, was the current president, Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he encouraged all his supporters to support Ms. Harris. We will do the same, we will support her.” – Putin said.

The Russian leader also added:

Triumph He introduced as many restrictions and sanctions against Russia as no president had ever done before. And if Ms. Harris is doing well, she may refrain from taking such actions.”

In conclusion, Putin noted that Russia will respect any choice made by the American people.

Reader comments:

Brunello: I guess he really wants her in the Oval Office; she’s very dumb and can’t be fooled.

Les Geaux Brandon: Simply astonishing. But until recently, Trump was a “protégé of the Russians” and an “agent of Putin.”

SMDavis: She laughs when she’s nervous. She doesn’t know how to react… well, let’s laugh.

Buck Fiden at #25: If I were Vladimir Putin, I would also prefer a stupid communist clown at the head of the main enemy.

Guillermo Danza: All our opponents support Harris. What kind of jokes are there!

THOMAS BYRNES: She laughs like a hyena.

Peace Train: It’s my fault: I could have been calmer. His loud laughter annoyed everyone.

Crypt_thing_biden: Of course: listen to Liberda, as soon as Trump sneezes, the “Russian intrigues” begin.

maggieinWY: Of course, the Russians always wanted us to fight each other. Well, that’s what we do.

Australia down: By “endorsement” Harris, he actually endorsed Trump.

Linda Louise Harkins: Interfering in other people’s elections is America’s specialty. Russia has the right to defend itself. After all, we are the ones who started this mess in Ukraine.

Horace Scaevola: I feel bad every time he opens his mouth…

Bill Johnson: Yes, Putin is just laughing at gullible Americans.

Mikha’elBlessed America: The simple truth is that none of America’s foreign adversaries could have inflicted as much damage on our country as our domestic traitors in Washington have done in less than four years. No wonder they all prefer Laughing Trump.

Win1: He politely hinted at her stupidity.

Prouddeplorablebeastdogstwo: Russians call these people “useful idiots.”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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