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Among replacement tenured teachers, the feeling of injustice regarding contractual assignments to vacant positions

As she left the school this Friday in June, Pauline (who wanted to remain anonymous, like all the teachers mentioned) had to hold back her tears. For nine years, and after earning her stripes, this teacher has been working under the condition of “TZR”, for “tenured in replacement zone”, with the approximately 9,000 secondary school teachers assigned to replacements and vacant posts during the year. A situation “default” for her as for many, waiting for a permanent position in her academy. However, for several years, Pauline has been covering a long period of substitution at the same school in Gironde and is involved “in all aspects of the establishment’s life.” So that day, when her principal announced that there would be a vacant position for the 2024-2025 school year but that the principal had assigned her a contract teacher and that, in her case, the situation was more uncertain, the blow was hard.

“I won my capes on the first try by having three small jobs throughout the year in addition to my five years of studies…, the professor explains. I love my job, I accept the limitations, the transfers, the TZR status… But what’s the point if we are outnumbered by non-permanent people for year-round jobs?

At the Bordeaux academy, the unions received numerous testimonies like yours at the beginning of the summer. In question, the new allocation provisions for the 2024 school year decided by the rectorate and which now provide, according to SNES-FSU Bordeaux, that the “Non-holders are given priority to [postes] Throughout the year, TZRs are given priority for replacements.”

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“As a holder, TZRs should take priority over allocations, this kind of decision further fuels anger as it is taken without consultation or communication!”Maitane Cocagne, from the academic section of SNES-FSU, deplores situationss “ubiquitous”.


The rectorate confirms World having decided“a new calendar of tasks” who allowed “earlier and more optimal coverage” needs. THE “the tasks were carried out in accordance with national and academic management guidelines” AND “without systematically promoting the assignment of subcontracted workers to jobs throughout the year”We assure you, but “with a view to retaining the TZRs only for shorter replacements, which corresponds to their mission.”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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