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An American discovers things that make no sense about Spain and the networks react very clearly

Social networks They have become a place where differences are seen between countries. Especially with some details that could end up being those that accompany us in these days that await us and that perhaps you would never have imagined until now. So we are faced with a series of elements that perhaps we should take into account, an American offers us a series of guidelines that perhaps we had not taken into account until now.

Seeing how we live from the outside can be an unexpected blow that we may not have expected and that we must begin to control. There are a series of elements that are essential and that perhaps you would never have imagined until now. These are times of change that are mixed with certain details that make us clearly bet on an important cycle change that we would never have imagined would become a reality until now. Without a doubt, it is time to see ourselves from the outside to be able to analyze certain customs that invite reflection, this man has received hundreds of messages for what he says about the Spanish.

Things that don’t make sense about Spain

Although we are very used to carrying out a series of processes that we have established in our daily lives, it is time to get to work with some details that you might never have found so strange. For many people it is common, but for many it is strange.

Seeing ourselves with different eyes is essential to be able to discover certain details that we may not have imagined until now. Perhaps we should start thinking about certain elements that we never thought were in front of us and that could turn out to be essential.

With this series of elements that will end up being the ones that make the difference in every way. These 7 things that the Spanish have as a habit can end up being what makes us think that we are in a country that could do things differently.

Ultimately, it’s about being able to analyze certain elements that we might not have thought would have that much impact from the outside. But in social media, you can discover certain strange elements from the outside. So we can write down these changes that maybe we should consider that don’t make much sense from the outside.

This American sets social media on fire with these things that we Spaniards do

@damedamian Spain makes no sense #dameinspain ♬ original sound – DameDamian

THE roundabouts with 4 or more lanes They didn’t like this man at all, who doesn’t seem to understand how much we Spaniards love these elements that allow us to use the indicators. We are the kings of the roundabouts, even if foreigners don’t like them too much, they are great allies of traffic that can seem confusing from the outside.

It should also be kept in mind that no one understands that handle on the doors, in the central part. Being a detail that this man did not understand, he wonders what it is for. Maybe it ends up being another decorative element.

We must also keep in mind that there are certain details that will be essential and that will end up making an important difference. The fact that one has the months and days backwards, according to one’s criteria, can become a problem for that person who knows perfectly well how to put into practice certain elements that go hand in hand.

That time will come when we will put on the table some traditional items that will give this man the shivers. No American understands that we have pig’s feet hanging in the supermarkets.

Ham is part of the DNA of every Spaniard, a plate of ham with a glass of national wine is a small vital pleasure that we can all put into practice. In the United States they do not understand the importance of this type of elements that could end up being what is most lacking.

So, in the end, what we see in this viral video are customs that can accompany us longer than expected. It is something innate to our culture, our gastronomy and our way of being. This video reminds us of the differences between a series of elements that go hand in hand and that we may never have put into practice until now. This criticism, which can be shared by others in your country, is part of who we are. These details that make us unique could well become what accompanies us today.

This viral video will help us see ourselves with different eyes, knowing how important gastronomy is in a daily life where we must begin to put into practice those details that will not fail to surprise. From entering a roundabout to returning from the supermarket with a pork leg under the arm.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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