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An environmental restoration project will allow the expansion of the Ruidera Lake Park

El Gobierno regional goes to acometer, with 490.00 eurosthe integral restoration project of the valley located in the protected space Refugio de Fauna de Hazadillas y Era Vieja, property of the Junta de Comunidades. This project, which was presented by the second vice-president, Jose Manuel Caballeroand will advise her on Desarrollo Sostenible, Mercedes Gomezthere is a possibility of expansion of the Lagunas de Ruidera park.

“We invested more than 1.8 million euros in the conservation of the environmentthe improvement of accessibility and the promotion of heritage of the Natural Park of the Lagunas of Ruidera, has indicated Caballero, who has explained that this inversion includes the project of environmental restoration of the valley of the park of the Hazadillas presented and that further possibility of the amplification of the Natural Park.

Según informed the Ejecutivo, this project is one of the musealization of the Cultural Center of Reserve of the Biosfera de la Mancha Húmedathe apuesta for the improvement of the accessibility of infrastructure of public use in this natural space, the elimination of large ruins in the park, the design of the management platform of regulation of access to the park and the improvement of the conservation of natural values .

The responsible for Desarrollo Sostenible has explained that this project was made with a reversal greater than 490,000 euros, coming from the MRR funds for the restoration of humpedals, and the ejecución plazo es dos años; A first phase of ejection that will start near October and will conclude in the beginning of 2025 and a second phase of sequence that will continue until the finals of 2026.

“A valley with ancient summer lands where, in the decade of the 60s, there is a drainage channel for agricultural improvement that supports the significant transformation and deterioration of habitats and species associated with the arroyo and the valley”.

The object, how it was explained Gomez,is improving the naturalness of the valley act on altered ecological processes.

“We will work to recover a fragile part of the habitat and species that have been improved and facilitate the recovery of those that have disappeared, improve the natural dynamics of the arroyo and the habitats of community interests and eliminate the exotic things present.”

“There is the possibility of expanding the natural park with the land of this wildlife refuge, because the finca is attached to the park, but it is not included in its totality in the mismo. I decided, of the 1,984.02 ha with only 576 ha located within the Natural Park of the Lagunas of Ruidera. With the inclusion of this finca, the protected space passes from 3,772 ha to 5,180 ha”, ha añadido.

Even though the farm has very important natural values, it also has geomorphic views with karstic valleys and tobacco training, as well as biological populations with wild species such as mounted birds, iberón, garduña, tejón; various forest raptors, plant formations of sabinar, quejigar, encinar and mediterranean matorral.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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