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An event dedicated to the changes introduced in EMAS and labor legislation was held

Organization of the State Labor Inspection Service under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the National Observatory for Labor Market Issues and Social Protection under the Ministry and the State Employment Agency, with the support of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan “DOST” An event dedicated to the “Inspector” project, EMAS and changes in labor legislation was held.

Oku.Az Ilham Hasanov, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Labor Protection, which is part of the State Labor Inspection Service, informed the participants of the event about the importance of the “DOST Inspector” project, implemented jointly with the National Observatory of Service and Labor. Market Issues and Social Protection, and said that within the framework of the project, the current state of labor relations and human resources at enterprises is being thoroughly assessed, trainings and consultations are being organized in the relevant directions. The aim of the project is to support employers in the correct application of labor legislation at workplaces, in establishing labor relations in accordance with the law. The project also helps enterprises to assess the state of implementation of labor legislation requirements and to organize labor protection in accordance with the standards.

I. Hasanov noted that this project has already been successfully implemented in two enterprises.

Ziya Hajili, Advisor to the President of the National Confederation of Business Organizations (Employers) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, said that the “DOST Inspector” project is important for labor market participants and will contribute to the development of entrepreneurship.

The event featured presentations on the “DOST Inspector” project, the latest features added to the Employment and Labor Subsystem (EMAS), the latest changes in labor legislation, and SIMA digital signature issues.

At the interactive event held with the participation of around 100 employers and their representatives, questions of interest were answered and discussions were held.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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