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An irregular immigrant welcomed in Galicia is arrested for sexual assault on two women from an NGO

This Friday, the Civil Guard arrested one of the illegal immigrants from Mali -via the Canary Islands- who are part of the group of people welcomed in the city of Lugo Becerréeas the alleged perpetrator of sexual assault on two workers of the humanitarian organization that provides them with assistance in this municipality of Galicia. After the arrest, which occurred following complaints filed by the workers, according to sources close to the case, this individual was placed at the disposal of the court of Becerreá and was released.

Judicial sources reported that regarding one complainant, this irregular immigrant is being investigated for the crime of sexual assault and another of harassment. As for the other woman from the NGO, he is being investigated as an alleged perpetrator of the crime of harassment. In addition, He is forbidden to approach the two women. after being accused of alleged molestation.

The NGO in question, according to sources from the Government Delegation in Galicia consulted by Ep, whatever the judge decides, opened a file on this asylum seeker as refugees. They will also be expelled from their current accommodation, the sources said.

This individual is one of thousands of irregular immigrants who arrive in the Canary Islands and are then moved by the government. semi-clandestine flights in Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga (more than 100 since October, as reported by OKDIARIO) to be received, through NGOs authorized by the Executive, in different points of different autonomous communities.

In their case, these illegal immigrants received in Becerreá arrived in the Canary Islands in Cayuco, from countries such as Mali, Senegal or MauritaniaAs for those who come from Mali, they have requested asylum from the Spanish authorities for “fleeing the war” in their country.

The government of Pedro Sanchez reported last July the arrival of 470 immigrants from the Canary Islandsmostly from Mali and with an asylum application, to be welcomed in Santiago de Compostela (La Coruña), Becerreá (Lugo), Orense, Monforte (Lugo) and Allariz (Orense).

The mayor of Becerreá, Manuel Martinezof the PSOE, then said that he did not expect problems with the arrival of these irregular immigrants and predicted that their presence would be “a significant economic injection” for the municipality of Lugo.

Concretely, in this city, as reported to the City Hall by the NGO to which the Ministry of Migration commissioned the procedure, the arrival forecasts amounted to 69 people from July 31, with accommodation at the Hotel Os Ancares.

Regarding the reception, the socialist mayor was also optimistic.
“There will be neighbors who can say something, but I think that in general people are willing to receive them and there are no problems. We need construction staff, plumbers, masons, waiters… We are an elderly and aging population and we receive with total satisfaction “These people are here,” Manuel Martinez said.

After arriving by plane in the peninsula, irregular immigrants are received by several NGOs appointed by the government and taken to other regions of Spain, being staying in hostels, tourist apartments, hotels or spas, among other facilitiesThe government has also transformed military installations into reception centers. This is the case of the one located in the Primo de Rivera barracks in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), where more than 1,100 illegal immigrants have come to reside.

“Everyone’s problem”

For her part, the deputy national secretary of the PP Organization, Carmen Fónezassured this Saturday that his party was not going to leave the Canaries “alone” in the face of the migratory crisis that the archipelago is going through and demanded that the government of Pedro Sánchez financial aid necessary to be able to cope with it.

“The migration crisis that the Canary Islands are suffering, that Ceuta is also suffering, is not a problem of the Canary Islands, it is a problem that all Spaniards know and that the European Union also has,” Fúnez stressed in the week that his party signed an immigration pact with the government of the Canary Islands to force the executive of Sanchez to act in the absence of an agreement between the different administrations.

El Hierro Island

Meanwhile, the massive arrival of immigrants to the Canary Islands coasts continues unabated. cayuco with 57 sub-Saharans -53 men, one woman and three minors- arrived this Saturday by their own means on the island of El Hierro, according to Salvamento Marítimo.

Specifically, the irregular vessel arrived at around 8:50 a.m. at the La Restinga dock, where its occupants were treated with the usual medical equipment in these cases.

And in the middle of the hours of this Saturday, the same pier received a second canoein this case a boat which brought 28 illegal immigrants inside. According to Salvamento Marítimo, it was an echo from the SIVE that, around 1:40 p.m., put on the trail a possible irregular vessel about three miles from the coast of El Hierro. The Salvamar Adhara was then activated, which went to the scene and located a canoe that it accompanied to La Restinga, where its 28 occupants disembarked at 2:15 p.m.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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