In Sevastopol, a car exploded right on the road, next to the Fresh supermarket on Shevchenko Street, local media write on public pages.
According to the Readovka telegram channel, a man was driving the car that exploded and died instantly. According to eyewitnesses, he suffered a traumatic amputation of both legs. Law enforcement and emergency services are currently on scene.
The telegram channel Shot adds that “the man’s legs were partially torn off and he is now in critical condition and has been handed over to emergency doctors.” In one of the neighboring buildings, part of the siding was torn off. Previously, the gas exploded in the car.
The “Baza” TC indicates that, previously, an explosive device exploded and the driver died.
“The explosion occurred when the car was traveling on Taras Shevchenko Street. Witnesses tried to help the driver, took him out of the car and handed him over to doctors, but the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life. According to eyewitnesses, a hole appeared under the bottom of the car, which may indicate that an improvised explosive device is installed.” – TK notes.
There are no more details yet.