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HomeLatest NewsAna Botín's ten years of management at the head of Banco Santander

Ana Botín’s ten years of management at the head of Banco Santander

Ana Botin celebrates ten years at the helm of management Santander Bankand this with a “strong improvement in the ratios” of the entity, and with more than 60 million new customers throughout this last decade. The president took advantage of an interview at the headquarters of “the Trade“, one of Santander’s first acquisitions, to remind him of memories of his childhood, his grandfather, his father and his time before working in the banking sector.

September is perhaps the most important month, personally, for the president of Banco Santander: “It is a special month because ten years since I am responsible for Santander. But it is also the month when we remember my father and my grandfather,” Botín explains.

At the beginning of the interview, she recalls her childhood adventures, “listening” to her father and about finances“I remember,” he said, “talking about the bank’s industrial investments…” and so many other things. A loot that thank you his mother commitment to “education and culture“, but it is clear that since she was little, the job she had to finish was the one she has.

During these 10 years of management, the president has succeeded in making the entity “transform And reinvent“, because that’s what “he had to do.” A background that translates into a threefold increase in profit, “a sixfold increase in shareholder value,” and more than “60 million new customers“.

The international jump of Santander

Today, Banco Santander is an international entity, but “there were many steps before getting there,” he emphasizes. Ana Botinwhich explains that “the international crossing “his grandfather gave it.”

“The first big step was buy the Mercantile -where he is currently doing the interview-, who was his biggest competitor. Regarding the time when his father ran the entity, Botín finds himself with “the expansion This led them to be the first bank of Spain and of euro zone“.

The summary, with all the ups and downs that this has entailed, the resistance to the crisis and the search for profitability, could be a sentence that highlights the whole stage: “We have done many purchases“.

Ana Botín takes advantage of the interview to launch a pinch at the market: “It rewards you,” he said, “if you give good immediate results“, but it is very difficult to “set investment goals for the future”. Believe Garland that the market is very “short term”, but that these sustainable objectives are also necessary, without this reducing the performance of the shareholder which, as he says, has increased considerably.

Transformation and future of Santander

The arrival of Ana Botín to the presidency of Santander started with a historical event capital increaseand the dividend This was granted. Complicated decisions that, in the long term, “did not diminish the bank’s capacity.”

“Now you have to think about the customer and the product they want to get.” With this sentence, he explains Garland the need to transmit all services in the best possible way. “The technology“, he says, “it is not a support, but a fundamental element.”

The President of Santander Bank explains that “by being the spearhead of digital banking”, this is how they will be able to “develop further in USA in the near future.”

The idea, “the vision” of Garland is that Santander’s technology is used to “improve the numbers”. Seven years of work on this transformation have been “particularly visible on the stock market in the last two years”. In fact, it hopes to compete with the big technology companies, and not just with bankingand believes that the bank has made the necessary efforts to achieve this.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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