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HomeLatest NewsAnd Feijóo, for the grapes

And Feijóo, for the grapes

Ayuso takes the reins of the PP offensive against Begoña Gómez in a new attempt to chart the path to national leadership and the umpteenth demonstration that his thing is not management, but only confrontation with the Sánchez government, which is what he built his public image with

We call selective memory the exceptional ability that some people have to remember information that interests them and forget other information that bothers them. And nothing better than the newspaper library to refresh your memorization.

Fact: during the hardest months of the pandemic, 9,468 elderly people living in residences in the Community of Madrid died. 77% of them – 7,291 – were denied medical assistance because they were not transferred to a hospital due to the so-called shame protocols of the government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

Fact: Alberto González Amador, partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, earned 2 million euros in 2020 as a commission agent for the purchase of masks at the height of the pandemic.

Fact: Since the start of the couple’s relationship, the Quirón group, the largest private health care provider in the Community of Madrid, has quadrupled the payments made to the boyfriend of the Madrid president, who admitted to committing two offenses of tax fraud and one of document falsification. through a system of false invoices and nominees to avoid paying the taxes due.

Fact: Fernando Camino, Quirón’s director, headed the company that purchased the ball masks and was also one of the founders of the shell company that González Amador used a year later to hide part of the fraud.

Fact: Ayuso’s partner admitted in writing to the public prosecutor’s office the two tax offenses with which he was accused and offered to be sentenced to eight months in prison.

But Ayuso never talks about the elderly people who died in nursing homes, nor the shame protocols, nor the bullet wound or the crimes committed by his partner. Of course, he doesn’t do it either on the deterioration of public health, nor on waiting lists, nor on education, nor on housing, nor on anything related to the management of his government .

The president of the Community of Madrid pontificates more on the Spanish government, on Venezuela, on Israel, on ETA, on an alleged socialization of drugs that Pedro Sánchez seems to be pursuing and on Begoña Gómez.

Today he decided to summon the wife of the President of the Government to the first session of the commission of the Madrid Assembly which seeks to “clean the reputation” of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), knowing that the known news The fact that the professorship headed by the president’s wife is damaging his reputation.

It is not that Ayuso is the least interested in the reputation of the UCM, nor that university students in Madrid pay the highest registration fees in Spain, and even less that in his region there are already more private than public universities… What he intends, in addition to offering a new spectacle to his usual political-media circus, is to take control of the popular offensive against wife of the President of the Government and to take precedence over Alberto Núñez Feijóo also in this area.

If at some point the national leadership thought it was time to introduce the social agenda into its opposition strategy, the tenant of Sol is there to remind us that there is no such thing, that wherever there is the ETA, the unity of Spain, amnesty or Begoña Gómez suppress housing, work-life balance and other atrocities that do not serve to keep the flame of political confrontation alive.

“Vox aims, Ayuso shoots and Feijóo, the grapes”, rightly declared the general secretary of the Madrid socialists, Juan Lobato, after having questioned the usefulness of a parliamentary commission which clearly only seeks confrontation and provocation, which is ultimately what happens. Ayuso built his public image with it.

Well that’s it: Feijóo, go get some grapes. When it is not Ayuso, it is Aznar or it is the AVT with the 44 members of ETA who will benefit from a reform of the law on criminal records and which the PP also voted for since it is the consequence of a European directive. Between the Huns and the Hotros, as Unamuno said, there is no way to achieve moderation.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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