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Andalusia receives half as much from the government per student as Catalonia to hire university professors

The unequal distribution of government funds among autonomous communities It also reaches university campuses. In an appearance at the Andalusian Parliament, the Minister of University, Research and Innovation of the Government of Andalusia, Jose Carlos Gomez Villamandosdetailed this Tuesday that Andalusian universities receive a little more than 500 euros per student for hiring teachers, while those in Catalonia receive 1,000 euros per student.

The regional official spoke about the economic allocation that the State distributes among the autonomous communities to develop the Integration program for teaching and research talents of Spanish universities. Specifically, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities will finance 467 doctoral assistant professor positions on campuses in Andalusia, at a rate of 21,038,350 euros per year, while Catalonia, with fewer students, will receive 34,884,105 euros to cover 705 places under this program, 34 percent more, the advisor stressed.

The central government has informed the autonomies that it will finance the hiring to the tune of 150.8 million euros. 3,400 teaching assistants from the 2024-2025 academic year throughout the country and for the twelve years that this type of contract will last.

In his speech before a parliamentary commission on PP issues, José Carlos Villamandos deplored the “stubbornness” of the central government in “create inequalities which, in this case, harms Andalusia, “the first public university system in Spain.”

The university advisor therefore does not agree with policy in the academic field of the Central Executiveand recalled that several communities “we have presented the alternative of taking charge by the communities themselves of the cost of stabilizing the positions of medical assistants once the contracts have ended”, but “we have not received a response”.And, to make matters worse, the government is establishing an unfair distributioneven within the communities themselves,” he added.

Part of the contracts will have to be financed with funds from the Junta de Andalucía. Gómez Villamandos clarified that the State is leaving Andalusia “the not insignificant cost” of 300 doctoral assistant professors for six yearssince the Ministry of Science has established a total staff of 774 people for the Andalusian public universities. The ministry headed by Diana Morant “will assume four years and leaves the communities the responsibility for the rest of the professional career.”

However, the advisor stressed that this figure of 774 medical assistant positions established by the Central Executive “This does not correspond” to the requests made by the rectors, who have proposed almost 900 places to cope with the implementation of the LOSU in the community. There are Andalusian universities that also do not agree with the internal distribution of places that has been made, an issue that, in the opinion of the councilor, the ministry “must also review.”

“SO Minister Morant defends Spanish universities and the Spanish public systemcreating gaps and second- and first-class institutions,” the university advisor complained.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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