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HomeLatest NewsAndalusian taxi accuses Andalusian government of "endorsing irregularities" in VTCs

Andalusian taxi accuses Andalusian government of “endorsing irregularities” in VTCs

Andalusian taxi drivers have accused the Andalusian government of “looking the other way” and “turning a blind eye to the irregularities” committed by taxi drivers. Transport vehicles with driver (VTC), while the Council assured that it was “defining the final details” of the regulations that will draw up the decree that regulates VTCs in the community.

This is what he said. the president of the Elite Taxi association of Seville, Rafael Lopez, in which he stressed that two years have passed since the approval of the VTC regulatory decree and “there are still no sanctions or regulations”, therefore “the vast majority of the points established by the decree”.

A decree that “is born badly and empty”

Likewise, he added that this decree “has already started badly and empty” and that currently “there are still a significant number of VTCs with irregular papers and many of them are rental vehicles without drivers – that is, as if they were private vehicles.” They are therefore not authorized to transport passengers. To counteract this fact, taxi drivers “try to ensure that the service they provide is of the highest excellence and the best service they can offer to citizens.”

For its part, the Junta de Andalucía affirmed that it is “defining the final details” of the regulation that draws up the decree that regulates VTCs in the community after a “detailed” analysis of the latest regulations on VTC licenses became necessary before implementing this law.

On the other handthe president of the Andalusian VTC association (Andeval), Ignacio Manzano, also told Europa Press that, for them, the regulation represented “a fundamental step forward in regulating a sector that now has total legal certainty”, which has allowed the sector “to operate with greater clarity and stability and to protect drivers and passengers.

Furthermore, he added that in this sense, the law “has strengthened an essential public service both for many Andalusians and for visitors who use VTCs to move around the community.”

Regarding the taxi sector, López stressed that during the summer months the number of users “remained stable” compared to 2023, and that in inland cities, billing was reduced by 50% compared to coastal cities. Already in September, “there is more movement” due to the return of vacations and the influx of passengers “is returning to normal again.”

In turn, he stressed that, despite the heatwaves that Andalusia has experienced, there has not been a “significant increase” in the number of users who have used taxis, since “the majority try to avoid being on the street in the hottest periods.” time slot. However, he stressed that “there is a higher percentage of foreign users,” especially in coastal areas, and that in inland cities such as Seville, tourists “are more passing through” and come “only to spend a few hours because.” they actually spend the summer in areas such as the Costa del Sol and Almería.

Demand for VTC increases by 20% in Andalusia

Regarding this issue, Manzano detailed that this summer “A new historical record is being set for the demand for VTC travel in Andalusia”, and that there has been an increase of more than 20% in trips made since June compared to the same period in 2023. Furthermore, he added that if we compare the summer months of this year with the previous three months, to the extent that the figures “already showed a clear upward trend compared to the previous year”, we observe an increase in the number of trips of 34%.

One point in which the VTC sector coincides with the taxi sector is that the users who most use the applications that offer VTC services on vacation in Andalusia are foreigners, and that “they choose this alternative because they are already used to doing it in their countries.” cities of origin. The president of Andeval also mentioned that, since June, in addition to the Spaniards themselves, the nationalities that have most used the Uber application in the community are the English, Americans, French and Dutch.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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