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HomeLatest NewsAnesCon Joins SEDAR and WTO to Advocate for Medical Competence in Anesthesiology

AnesCon Joins SEDAR and WTO to Advocate for Medical Competence in Anesthesiology

Taking into account the publication of the document issued by the Consell de Col·legis d’Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat dated September 16, 2024, the Anesthesiologists of Majorca which are organized around the AnesCon association they meet At Spanish Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy (SEDAR) and Collegiate medical organization (OMC) to express its clear and firm position in favour of medical skills in the field of anesthesiology for patient safety, as well as to emphasise that anesthetic acts are medical acts.

AnesCon President and SEDAR Executive Committee Member, Dr. Jose Antonio de Pazensures that the anesthesiology “It is a medical specialty that requires in-depth scientific knowledge and highly specialized training which translates into safety, clinical results and quality of care provided to the patient. This specialization is acquired exclusively during the six years of a medical degree, followed by a stay in centers approved by the Ministry of Health for at least four years of specific training. This makes a total of 10 years, none of which are validated for a year of the nursing diploma.

“The complexity of anesthetic procedures requires these levels of training for ensuring clinical patient safety“a key principle that has allowed us to reduce mortality and morbidity associated with anesthesia in recent decades,” adds Dr. de Paz. He also explains that anesthesiologists They have always “worked as a team with the rest of the health professionals” in perfect harmony for the common good of patient safety.

Referring to the published document, AnesCon specifies that deep sedation, which includes a pre-anesthetic evaluation, constitutes in many cases a medical act indistinguishable from general anesthesia and, as such, must be performed exclusively by an anesthetist.

Likewise, the patient has a legal right to be informed of the qualifications and specialty of the professional who performs both the pre-anesthetic evaluation and the anesthetic procedure.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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