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HomeLatest Newsantioxidant and collagen foods to add to your dishes

antioxidant and collagen foods to add to your dishes

When it comes to feeding ourselves, every decision counts. Choosing the foods we eat every day is essential if we want to take care of ourselves on the inside and for this gesture to also be visible “on the outside”. We know that we must eat an adequate proportion of proteins, as complete as possible, to maintain our muscle mass, and also how necessary it is for the proper functioning of our body not to neglect the consumption of healthy fats and carbohydrates.

Certain foods that nature provides us are also essential for providing antioxidant nutrition which also helps us produce collagen. We are talking, among other things, about fruits and vegetables that could be included under the name “purple gold” because of the color they acquire when they ripen and are ready to be consumed. We are talking about blackberries, grapes, blueberries, beets or raspberries, which in addition to being delicious strawberries and vegetables, have many beneficial properties.

All are great for promoting the production of collagen, a protein found in many parts of the human body and essential for maintaining complexion and overall skin. Good collagen production makes the skin appear firm and helps delay. aging. Although we produce it naturally, its production slows down over the years, so an extra supply of collagen is always welcome.

But beyond the appearance of our skin, collagen is essential for reducing the risk of injuries, joint stiffness or loss of bone mass, as well as weakness of the vascular system or gastrointestinal problems, since collagen also strengthens the lining of the intestinal tract and helps us absorb nutrients.

Benefits of Lycopene

The lycopene present in red fruits, grapes or beets is the key to this additional intake we are talking about. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature. It is a pigment that belongs to the carotenoid family, precisely responsible for giving this reddish touch to the fruits and vegetables that contain it. Yes, tomatoes are also rich in lycopene.

This antioxidant will help us delay cell oxidation and protect us from the attack of free radicals and aging. Some scientific studies have also pointed to a lower prevalence of prostate, lung, breast or digestive tract cancer thanks to the consumption of lycopene. In addition, it has also been proven to be beneficial in preventing cardiovascular disease or macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness after the age of 60.

A Harvard study conducted on 48,000 people over six years proved that introducing a dozen weekly servings of red fruits and vegetables reduced the risk of developing prostate cancer by 45%. While other research has highlighted that lycopene is also beneficial in reducing LDL cholesterol, which is responsible for producing atherosclerosis.

Some antioxidant smoothies

If grapes, blueberries, or blackberries are among your favorite fruits, you’re in luck. We’ll teach you how to make a “purple gold” juice to help you produce collagen. It is very simple to make, but we are still going to explain to you how to prepare this delicious juice perfect to start the day with a super antioxidant breakfast or between one of the main meals.

We will need a cup of blackberries, a cup of blueberries and another cup of purple grapes. In the case of blackberries and blueberries, in addition to being fresh in the fruit and vegetable section, they can be found frozen in the cold section of the supermarket; This is a very practical formula for keeping them longer, especially for using them in smoothies or homemade desserts.

To the three cups of fresh or frozen fruit we will add a generous cup of water and a teaspoon of honey (optional) or another sweetener of our choice.

We leave you another option to promote collagen synthesis in the form of a shake. To make this juice you will need beets, tomatoes and strawberries. We will need two tomatoes as ripe as possible, a cooked and peeled beet, a cup of strawberries, a glass of water and the juice of a lemon (optional).

Beyond smoothies, beets and tomatoes can provide the perfect base for countless nutritious and refreshing salads. While red fruits, such as raspberries, are the perfect complement to breakfasts, desserts or snacks based on yogurt and also seasoned with cereals or nuts.

Contributions of “purple gold”

Red fruits such as raspberries, blueberries or blackberries, as well as grapes or beets have a multitude of benefits for our body:

  • High antioxidant power: as we have already mentioned, they have a high concentration of lycopene, which prevents the damage that free radicals and oxidative stress can cause.
  • Helps improve cardiovascular health: they improve heart health, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Improved digestion: They also have a high concentration of fiber, which promotes intestinal regularity and helps resolve constipation problems.
  • It helps with iron absorption and, as we mentioned, collagen production. They are an ally for the production of collagen in the skin and for having strong and healthy hair and nails. The iron they provide also helps us prevent anemia.

Other fruits very rich in collagen are all those that contain a high concentration of vitamin C, such as orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerines, kiwi, mango or papaya; as well as fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach or melon. Combining all these products in our recipes will help us nourish ourselves well and fight the signs of aging from the inside.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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