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Approves a law in Navarre in collaboration with UPN, PPN and Vox to extend the productivity supplement of the Treasury

The nationalist party EH Bildu surprised on Thursday by positioning itself alongside the opposition in a vote. In this way, the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre approved this Thursday, with the favorable vote of UPN, EH Bildu, PPN and Voxa regional bill for extend the productivity supplement within Treasury staff addressed to encourage the work of professionals in the fight against tax fraud.

The approved initiative is the result of a bill presented by the UPN and what has been modified by EH Bildu. PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin voted against.

THE UPN Proposal explains that this complement is currently only received by the staff of the inspection area and by the treasury technicians of the management area, “to the exclusion of the rest of the staff who provide their services in the autonomous organization and who participate, through their daily work, in thefight against tax fraud as well as those who already benefit from the aforementioned supplement.”

The UPN emphasizes that “this discriminatory situation, which does not exist within the State tax administration, was intended to be corrected in the Plan to combat tax fraud 2016-2019with the commitment of the Government of Navarre to carry out said correction in 2018.” “Six years after the expiry of said deadline, the reality is that the discriminatory situation persists, affecting the effectiveness of the Fight against tax fraud in Navarre“, underlines the regionalist formation.

This is why he presented a draft law amending the legislative decree 251/1993of August 30, which approves the Consolidated text of the Staff Regulations for the public administrations of Navarre.

EH Bildu presented an amendment, accepted by the UPN, which includes that “the perception of the productivity supplement that is approved by this provincial law for the personnel assigned to the autonomous body Hacienda Foral de Navarra who do not currently receive it will be implemented gradually“Once the appropriate collective bargaining process has been developed, it will be applied to the affected personnel in three successive fiscal years, so that in each of them, up to five percent of the initial salary of the corresponding level is recognized.” he said. The amendment received the favorable vote of the UPN, EH Bildu and Vox. The rest of the groups voted against.

THE Marta Álvarez, UPN parliamentarian stated that in the National Tax Agency and in the Basque Provincial Treasuries “all workers participate in the productivity supplement“, after which he criticized that “once again, the Shiite government is using the regional government to treat the Navarrese people even worse.”

THE Inma Jurío, a PSN deputy, said that this regional law “is not applicable” and stated that “we are trying to organize the civil service, we are trying to reach agreements with the unions, with other political parties, and what we are not doing is misleading.” Jurío stressed that “the UPN is presenting this proposal not because it really thinks that the situation is discriminatory,” but because it “wants to harm the government.” In addition, he told the UPN that for this vote it needed the votes of EH Bildu. Thus, he affirmed that the regionalists “lose all legitimacy to attribute a lack of legitimacy to this government” if they accept the votes of the nationalist party.

He further stressed that EH Bildu acts with its amendment “out of political interest” and said that in practice, the amendment “does not achieve anything.” “What Bildu has proposed is that this should be subject to collective bargaining and the government can tell them that they are not entitled to 15%, but they are entitled to 1%,” he said.

He Adolfo Araiz, parliamentarian of EH Bildu said that “if this change in status is approved, the Treasury services must be aware that There is no automatic subjective right to receive a 15% productivity supplement.will have to try to reach an agreement with the Government to specify how these 15% are collected, what the objectives are, what the results are.”

From Geroa Bai, Blanca Regúlez indicated that her group can “accept that the claim of the professionals This is completely legitimate.“, especially when it was introduced in the Plan to Combat Tax Fraud 2016-2019”, but warned that it is a “relevant” increase in remuneration and that “it undoubtedly affects one of the matters that our regional legislation submits to collective bargaining”, which is why he expressed his rejection of the proposal.

THE PPN MP Irene Royo said that “the extension of the productivity supplement to the entire organization – Treasury – represents a very profitable investment. for the regional funds” and stressed that, according to data from the Government of Navarre itself, “the amounts collected in the fight against tax fraud in management reach double, in many years, the amount collected by the inspection in the fight against tax fraud.”

He Contigo MP Miguel Garrido stressed that This proposal puts their training in “difficulty”because he asks “how to vote no to the improvement of the salary conditions of public service workers”, but he indicated that “if we presented each time a bill to improve the working conditions of the personnel in the service of the Public Administration, tomorrow, we will be short of budget.

From Vox, Emilio Jimenez stressed that The Administration “has the power to set the remuneration of its employees, but arbitrariness is not admissible.” and comparative grievances are not admissible, as they occur in this case.” “It turns out that at the state level they are attributed to all professionals and in Navarre not,” he stressed.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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