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HomeBreaking NewsAragon government dismisses Vox CEO accused of "apology for Francoism"

Aragon government dismisses Vox CEO accused of “apology for Francoism”

This Wednesday, the government of Aragon dismissed the Director General of Justice, Esmeralda Pastor Estrada, filed by the executive of Pedro Sánchez for “approving Francoism” on its social networksThe opposition had repeatedly demanded her resignation, but now, after Vox’s departure from the DGA, the Aragonese government has decided to dismiss her.

Pastor – who sparked controversy by appearing on his Facebook profile with a pre-constitutional flag- She was legal advisor to the Vox municipal group in the Zaragoza City Council and local coordinator in María de Huerva during the last legislature. She will be replaced by Francisco Javier Martínez Zandundo, lawyer in the Administration of Justice. “We were looking for a profile that knows all the problems related to the Administration of Justice,” explained the Vice President and Advisor to the Presidency, Economy and Justice, Mar Vaquero, who highlighted the “vocational dedication” and “long career” of the latter.

He also had good words for the Pastor, thanking you for your dedication during this time and your offer to “facilitate the transition” after Vox left the Executive due to the immigration crisis. When the controversy broke out, the Aragonese president, Jorge Azcón, chose to keep her in power, assuring that, although the statements had been “unfortunate”, he was convinced that “they were not going to be repeated”, a decision that cost dearly. He was severely criticized by the other parliamentary parties, who accused him of being a “hostage” of Vox.

This is not the only change approved in the Government Council this Wednesday. The current Director General of Innovation and Food Promotion, Juan José Orries Larroya, He will be replaced by Amparo Cuéllar Hernándis. The Executive does not even rule out that there will be other changes in the coming weeks, since there are still Vox positions in the organizational chart of the Ministry of Agriculture.

“A government is always open to continuous changes. There is still a director general in the Directorate General of Agriculture who launched the legislature, but this will correspond to the Minister of Agriculture. For the moment no appointment is planned. We will see in the following councils,” he declared.




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