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HomeBreaking NewsAranda de Duero City Council reports leaks of confidential information to the...

Aranda de Duero City Council reports leaks of confidential information to the police

The City Council of the municipality of Aranda de Duero in Burgos has reported to the National Police leaks of sensitive and confidential information, which apparently have been occurring since the current government team took office.

This was announced by the city council in a statement in which it clarified that the last leak of secret documents took place on August 5 and that it could cause “serious harm to a third party”, including the current fire chief of Aranda de Duero, given that it reveals personal information about his professional situation in another public administration.

The City Hall reports that, faced with such events, after obtaining the opinion of the internal legal services of the City Hall, the Government team decided to inform the National Police of the situation, by filing a complaint accompanied by all the evidence collected by the IT services of the City Council.

As part of the investigation, the Police are currently calling for testimony from anyone they believe may provide information relevant to identifying the perpetrator(s). As the City Council explains, the selection of those called to testify is now the responsibility of the police and not the City Council.

On another note, they took advantage of the letter to clarify that the reported events refer only to the leak of information to the Cadena Ser de Aranda de Duero and, therefore, they deny having denounced the aforementioned media for its publication.

In this sense, they specify that complaints will always be directed against people who reveal confidential or secret information, and not against the media, considered by the City Council as “a fundamental pillar of our democracy” that plays an “important role in guaranteeing political pluralism and the control of government action by all institutions.”

Regarding leaks, the City Hall assures that it will adopt a “zero tolerance” position, informing the National Police of all the evidence necessary to identify the perpetrators of any crime of revealing secrets or confidential information.

And, according to him, the commission of these crimes “affects the general interest of the city, generating distrust towards potential investors and, in general, the economic and social fabric.”




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