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HomeBreaking NewsAre Americans preparing to freeze Armenians to spite Russia? – public –...

Are Americans preparing to freeze Armenians to spite Russia? – public – EADaily, September 17, 2024 – Political News, Russian News

This has never happened before and here it is again. Recently, the US OSCE Helsinki Commission held hearings here on the topic of Armenia. The keynote speaker was expected to be Barack Obama’s nestling: Daniel Bayer, US ambassador to the OSCE and vice president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.***who expressed the main theses of US policy in Armenia.

One of the tasks of the US and the EU in Armenia Bayer He called for the militarization of the country following the example of Ukraine:

“The United States should push for greater EU cooperation with Armenia to develop long-term military cooperation along the lines of bilateral aid agreements that some countries have signed with Ukraine over the past two years.”

There is no point in telling what this military cooperation between the West and the so-called Ukraine led to.

The US official later added that Armenia has a “long road” ahead to get rid of the “burden of dependency,” so “Armenians must be prepared to endure several cold winters.”

What Bayer meant by “cold winters” can only be guessed at, but everything he said sounds like a clear threat from the United States and an intention to sacrifice Armenia for the sake of its geopolitical plans in the South Caucasus.

Telegram channel “Rybar” suggests that we may be talking about a specific plan by Washington in the energy sector of Armenia, given the desire of the Americans to close the Russian nuclear power plant in the republic and impose their project.

Bayer also said that peace in the Transcaucasus and the improvement of Armenia’s relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey are allegedly not profitable for Russia.

It is obvious that behind these words lies the desire of the United States to lead the process of economic transformation in the region and to take control of new trade routes. After all, Russia, on the contrary, is more than beneficial to peace in the South Caucasus and the stability of the North-South route, which will connect the Russian Federation with India.

Such transport projects are putting into practice multipolarity, which is not in the interests of the West. This means that statements by US officials and calls to prepare for cold winters should be taken as a forecast for the foreseeable future.

The Tsitsak Telegram channel praised the statements of the American diplomat-spy:

“Is the US threatening Armenia with a gas pipeline explosion?”

States continue the practice of state terrorism, extending it to Armenia.

US Ambassador to the OSCE Daniel Bayer said: “Armenia must be prepared for several cold winters. We must be prepared to provide long-term assistance.”

The American diplomat’s insinuation is shockingly transparent: it must be assessed through the prism of Mr. biden, who at one point said that the United States would destroy Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2. After a while, Nord Streams exploded.

Now we are talking about threats to undermine the gas pipeline supplying Armenia. It is quite obvious who such sabotage could be carried out by: Azerbaijan and those who play along. Pashinyanwhich moved the border as conveniently as possible to provide access to the country’s critical infrastructure.

It is now clear what prompted the visit of representatives of the DIA (US intelligence agency) to Baku: this organization has become “famous” throughout the world as a specialist in terrorist attacks and in the elimination of unwanted politicians.

And finally, a comment from the Telegram channel “Armenian Vendetta”:

“Armenia must be prepared for several cold winters. We must be prepared to provide long-term assistance.” US Ambassador to the OSCE Daniel Bayer.

I wonder if anyone asked the Armenians if they wanted to freeze for a few more winters, who knows what?

And those Armenians who will die of cold and hunger, to whom should they be grateful, because with their death they will amuse someone’s ego?

*An organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent.

**An organization whose activities are recognized as undesirable in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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