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HomeLatest NewsAre you average? This is the most common salary in Spain

Are you average? This is the most common salary in Spain

Even if Pedro Sanchez Say and repeat that the Spanish economy is going like a rocket. The truth is that the cost of living has increased in a greater proportion than wages and this is a sword of Damocles for many families struggling to make ends meet. The National Institute of Statistics has quantified the situation experienced by workers in Spain with a report in which it reveals what is the salary most frequently received by the inhabitants of our country.

The INE, in a report published last Monday September 23, put on the table all the data on salaries in Spain in 2022. Salary Structure Survey (EES) published the final data after a year and a half of analyzing the figures. In this way, it became clear that the average annual salary in Spain in 2022 was 26,948.87 euros, or 4.1% more than the previous year. Regarding the distribution by gender, the average salary of men (29,381.84 euros) was higher than that of women (24,359.82 euros).

He National Institute of Statistics It also makes another classification regarding salary and therefore reflects that the median salary, which divides workers who have a higher salary and those who have a lower salary, was 22,383.11 euros last year 2022. For its hand, the modal salary, which can be classified as the most frequent salary in Spain in 2022, was 14,586.44 euros with 4.2% of employees. The salary of 16,495.84 euros (4.2%) and of 18,494.32 (4.1%) They were also the most popular.

These salaries are the most repeated in Spain due to the increase Interprofessional Minimum Wage (SMI) which placed the majority of workers in a range between 14,000 and 15,000 euros. Of all employees in Spain, 20.5% had a gross annual return of between 14,000 and 19,000 euros.

A group of people work in an office.

Salary by sector in Spain

He INE also divided the salary of workers in Spain according to their economic activity, with the highest remuneration being that of supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioningwith 55,470.69 euros. For their part, workers who carry out their duties in the hotel sector have the lowest income with a total of 16,274.71 euros.

With regard to the large professional groups, the category of Directors and managerswith 59,478.63 euros gross annually, is in the lead and is 120.7% above the average. Scientific and intellectual technicians and professionals and support technicians and professionals are also above average with 39,356.06 euros per year. The least well paid in 2022 were elementary professions with an average salary of 17,017.06 euros.

Salary in Spain by community

This study of National Institute of Statistics It also classified the autonomous communities in which Spaniards have a higher salary. The highest salaries in 2022 were those of the Basque Country (32,313.73 euros per worker), Community of Madrid (31,230.73) and the Foral Community of Navarra (29,189.52).

Catalonia, Cantabria, Asturias and the Balearic Islands closely follow these first three and come next in the classification of the average salary of workers in Spain. For their part, the autonomous communities in which the prices are the lowest in Spain are Extremadura (21,922.73 euros per worker), the Canary Islands (23,096.92) and Castilla-La Mancha (23,751.71) presented the lowest. Unfortunately, only in two autonomous communities, the Basque Country and Madrid, the average salary exceeds 30,000 euros.

This clearly reflects the complicated situation that families in Spain are experiencing. Although the latest data from Consumer Price Index (CPI) will fall to 1.5% in the month of September, the truth is that real inflation of daily products remains just as high and this represents a big problem for hundreds of thousands of families in our country who have to do exercise exercises. engineering to make ends meet.

This study on the average salary of workers in Spain It clearly shows that prices have increased at a higher rate than wages in recent years in our country, which puts even employees registered for Social Security in difficulty. This represents a setback for a country that has good figures at the macro level but is adrift at the micro level.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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