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Armengol now calls for the mobilization of socialists to return to govern the Balearic Islands in 2027

The general secretary of the PSIB-PSOE, Francina Armengol, current president of the Congress, is already calling on mobilization of socialists from the Balearic Islands For govern again in 2027, specifying that she will present herself again as a government candidate for the fourth consecutive time.

Armengol’s appeal to the leaders of his party, which is in most cases in opposition in the municipalities of the Balearic Islands after the electoral debacle of May 2023, was made in the town of Inca, in one assembly of socialist aldermen, to whom he demanded alternatives to the policies of the PP and Vox “to govern again in 2027”.

Armengol asked them to increase alternatives and strategies “to plan the Mallorca of the futurebecause the Socialist Party is a tool at the service of citizens and a municipalist party which knows very well that municipal councils “They are the first port of entry for every citizen when they have a problem.”

This will be the main objective of the congressional processes launched by the PSOE, without forgetting, as the Secretary General pointed out, the needs and emergencies of citizens and which they have asked to be responded to by the Balearic Government.

In this sense, Armengol assured that “Municipalities must offer land to the government to build social housing and we must put it in black and white so that Ms. Prohens can build these houses, and if the PP municipalities do not deliver public land as they did,” he recalled, “when the PSIB governed” , with Més and Unidas Podemos “It must be explained, because they have the means to do so.

In fact, it seems that this week the Government will begin to inaugurate the houses built by the Executive chaired by Francina Armengol. “We leave the work finished, we left schools, health centers and a Palma tram with a budget with which it is time to start,” declared the secretary general of the PSIB-PSOE.

Precisely, the socialist leader claimed the insularity fund and the REB obtained between the Executive she chaired and that of Pedro Sánchez, and thanks to which “Prohens will have the best budget in history.” However, “it is not possible for us to put more public resources into the state coffers and “They are dedicated to cutting taxes for the rich.”considered the general secretary.

Furthermore, Armengol warned that Prohens “attempts to privatize public servicesbecause it is a question of not wanting to create places in PF, of not extending the 0-3 year old public. In addition, he continued, “all public health ratios are starting to deteriorate to the point that people are turning to the private sector, because it is no longer the same thing that is expected from a specialist now as is the case with us, and it is our life that counts.” .

The secretary general of the PSIB-PSOE finally warned that “PP policies go to those who have always had, to those who have the most, to their businesses and their citizensto a model of an autonomous community in which everything is for sale, saying that they want to set limits while approving a decree-law that again allows construction in flood zones, they want to put vacation rentals in the Serra of Tramuntana and which place housing as a speculative asset.

For her part, the secretary of the Socialist Federation of Majorca, Catalina Cladera, highlighted the work of strengthening the political project of the socialists of Mallorca, as an alternative to the PP and Vox governments.

“Debates like the one today in this assembly of councilors are necessary before “radicalization of a right trapped by the discourse of the extreme right”said Cladera, who, in this political context, a year and a half after the start of the legislature, called for “proposing clear alternatives” to PP governments that “say one thing and do another.”

According to the socialists, examples of this “double talk” of the Prohens and Galmés governments are the approach of the Sustainability Table, while on the other hand vacation rentals in the Serra de Tramuntana are authorized, or the express legalization of 30,000 housing units on rural land. land that the omnibus decree-law has unlocked.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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