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Armengol stresses that Prohens will be the “least democratic president” of the Balearic Islands if the PP maintains the ultra Le Senne

The general secretary of the PSIB-PSOE, Francina Armengol, considered that the president of the Balearic government, Marga Prohens (PP), will be the “least democratic” in the democratic history of the Balearic Islands if the conservatives do not support the motion of impeachment against the president of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne (Vox), promoted after tearing down in the chamber the portrait of the republican Aurora Picornell and those known as the “reds of Molinar”, shot by the Francoists during the Twelfth Night of 1937.

At the PSIB Parliamentary Conference on the occasion of the beginning of the new political course, the president of the Congress also admitted that she had “little hope” that the PP would support the impeachment and considered that if the popular did not do it, there would be no “return”. To date, the conservatives continue without revealing the meaning of their vote: they will announce it this Tuesday during the debate, as they reported this Monday.

Armengol said that in a democracy “facts and forms count” and was “embarrassed” by the fact that Le Senne had “emptied” the photo of Aurora Picornell, “an emblematic woman of the democratic struggle.”

In the hall of the Balearic Parliament, Armengol thus affirmed that the legislative political path begins with a “serious institutional crisis” and a “political scandal at the highest level”, complaining that the PP “has a difficult situation to defend and, in any case, this only leads to instability and does not help citizens to trust the institutions.”

Similarly, the socialist leader criticised the fact that members of the government had been “very relaxed” this summer despite an “institutional crisis”.

Let us recall that Armengol proposed socialist votes to Prohens at the end of June to dismiss Le Senne, thus committing to support the appointment of a new president of the Chamber from the PP. The secretary general of the PSIB urgently met with the party’s Permanent Executive Commission before which she examined a situation of “democratic emergency” in the islands. According to him, Le Senne’s behavior is “unacceptable”, which led the central government, the Balearic opposition and historical memory associations to immediately demand the resignation of the far-right parliamentarian.

The PP, however, rejected the proposal, saying that “neither the Socialist Party nor Mrs. Armengol have credibility when it comes to offering their votes to the Popular Party,” in the words of the popular parliamentary spokesman, Sebastià Sagreras. “Every time the PSIB has used its votes, it has benefited Vox and I dare say that they feed off each other,” he said.

Senne himself remained firmly anchored in power, claiming to have “the support of the Chamber” as when he was appointed, while the PP decided to protect him in his seat by recriminating the facts but without demanding his dismissal.

Specifically, it is planned that this Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. a meeting of the spokespeople will be held and that the extraordinary plenary session will then begin to debate and vote on the impeachment of Le Senne, in this case chaired by the vice-president of the House of Representatives, Mauricio Rovira (PP). The ultra president, for his part, will occupy one of the seats reserved for members of the Board.

The call for the extraordinary plenary session was unanimously approved in the Permanent Deputation on August 7, despite the protests of the opposition given that the session will take place two and a half months after the presentation of the call and a week before the extraordinary period of sessions begins. For the dismissal to succeed, the PP’s yes vote is needed – an abstention would not be enough – since a three-fifths majority is required.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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