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HomeLatest NewsArmengol surrenders to the Catalan anthem and denies the Day of Mallorca

Armengol surrenders to the Catalan anthem and denies the Day of Mallorca

Francina Armengol ignores the Diada of her homeland and focuses on the Catalan Diada. The Majorcan socialist gave herself over to the Catalan anthem and sang the entire lyrics of “Els Segadors” during the official event of the Catalan Festival, celebrated this Wednesday. The president of the Congress of Deputies and still leader of the PSOE of the Balearic Islands showed a notable enthusiasm with Salvador Illa much less expansive, even if the latter was making his debut in his first Diada as president.

“Accompanying the Catalans during the official events of the Diada. A unique opportunity to celebrate your identity“to claim coexistence and defend the culture of an entire people,” Armengol wrote in his official speech against Spanish.

The former president of the Balearic Islands – she governed for eight years with Podemos and the nationalists – did not participate this Thursday in any official event of the Mallorca Dayorganized by the Consell de Mallorca, governed by PP and Vox. The PSOE denies the date of September 12 and supports the date of December 31 for the Diada, a date claimed by Catalanism that coincides with the Estendard Festival.

It was in 2016 that December 31 was elevated to the status of a public holiday by decision of the previous government formed by the PSOE, the nationalists and the defunct Podemos. Today, the current executive of the Consell de Mallorca, a coalition of the PP and Vox, has recovered the Day to September 12date approved in 1997 with the support of all parties except the nationalists.

The President of the Council of Majorca, Llorenc Galmes (PP), on Thursday described the celebration of September 12 as a “party with everyone and for everyone.” Galmés justified the change of date in the oath of the “Llibre des Franqueses i Privilegis del regne de Mallorca,” granted by King Jaume I and later pronounced by his successor to the Crown of Aragon, Jaume II, on September 12, 1276.

Galmés stressed that this date “should never have been changed“Because this day” had been celebrated for 20 years” and had “the approval of experts and historians”, since September 12 constitutes a “very important historical event”.

For their part, the socialists consider that the day of September 12 is “a date without historical rigor” and refuse to attend the celebration. They defend that the Diada of December 31 was a “more precise” date and that “it has been celebrated in a standardized manner since 2016” and that it comes from a “serious” study carried out by historians and various experts concerned.

On September 12, we celebrate the swearing-in of King James II of the Carta de franqueses i privilegis del Regne de Mallorca in 1276. On December 31, we commemorate the entry of King James I in 1229 in Madina Mayurqa (Palma).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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