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HomeBreaking NewsArmenia's chamomile policy: Pashinyan acts like Stirlitz

Armenia’s chamomile policy: Pashinyan acts like Stirlitz

The Armenian government is following a policy according to the do’s and don’ts and what they like and don’t like about chamomile petals. Sometimes he makes convincing statements. He has the impression that official Yerevan can be trusted. Shortly after, the situation changes. You lose the confidence you will gain halfway through.

Armenia was one of the first members of all organizations created under the initiative and sponsorship of Russia in the former Soviet space. In other words, where Moscow put its foot, Yerevan put its head.

Among the founders are the CIS, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

In recent years, the relationship between Yerevan and the KMT has been deteriorating. The Armenian authorities maintain an insecure attitude and claim that they will sometimes abandon this organization and other times freeze its activities there.

On October 8, a summit of heads of state and government of the CIS member countries was held in Moscow.

The Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, also participates in the event. It is very interesting that exactly a year ago, on October 13, he did not participate in the CIS summit held in Bishkek. Nikol Pashinyan, who reported this to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov, explained by phone the reasons for not attending the event. However, the public was never informed about this. It should be noted that it was previously known that Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan would not participate in the meeting of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers.

Thus, a year ago, the head of the Armenian government boycotted the organization’s summit. The country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs attended that meeting.

On October 7, a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CIS member states was held. At the meeting, the declarations “On the principles of ensuring security in Eurasia” and “On the inadmissibility of unilateral restrictive measures in international relations” were adopted.

Ararat Mirzoyan, who participated in the event, did not sign these documents.

About this, Ani Badalyan, the main spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, who implements the course of Armenia’s foreign policy (sometimes imitates the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova – ed.) , said: “We are talking about two statements: “On the principles of ensuring security in Eurasia” and “International on the inadmissibility of applying unilateral restrictive measures in relations.”

The declaration “On the principles of ensuring security in Eurasia” states that the countries of the Union understand the importance of protecting the international legal system based on the Charter of the United Nations and the inadmissibility of the application of rules, standards and norms to guarantee stability in the Eurasian Area.

The document states that it is a call for the consolidation of the international community in search of a collective response to global and regional challenges and threats to security, which must be based on political and diplomatic measures to eliminate the main causes of interstate conflicts. and reduce the potential for conflict: support the adaptation of the Eurasian interaction architecture to multipolar realities.”

The statement also highlighted that it speaks of the readiness to make a practical contribution to the creation of an equal and indivisible security architecture in Eurasia, to the sustainable and long-term stabilization of the political-military situation, as well as to the solution of existing conflicts and the prevention of new regional conflicts, etc.

These principles do not contradict international law or the Charter of the United Nations. The question arises: why did the representatives of Yerevan not sign this declaration? However, this country is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union. A few days ago, the President hosted the meeting of the heads of government of the Member States.

Or in the statement “On the inadmissibility of unilateral restrictive measures in international relations”, the ministers noted that “unilateral restrictive measures” are coercive measures implemented by a state, group or union of states in violation of the UN Charter, including political, legal. financial or economic means to exert any form of pressure in order to force.

It was stated that such measures, including those of an extraterritorial nature, do not contribute to the formation of friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation and have a negative impact on global and regional development processes.

The document states that the adoption of unilateral restrictive measures by any State is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law, etc.

Both documents also benefit Armenia in the current situation.

In that case, why did Yerevan representatives go to Moscow?

Former presidents Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan grandly promoted their visit to Moscow and their participation in events there and posed for photographs at meetings there.

At that time, almost the food rations of these two locals who organized the Khojaly genocide were prepared in the Kremlin. The former presidents of Armenia received instructions from Russia.

It seems that Nikol Pashinyan and his team now eat at different times and with different menus. It can be concluded that he no longer receives instructions from Moscow. The head of government receives instructions and directives from Paris, Washington and the lobby. Although it is not known how much he was paid for it, turning his back on Russia and not signing statements suggests that he received instructions. What has changed in a year is that Pashinyan, who did not attend the CIS meeting and council a year ago, voluntarily attended the meeting this time.

A month ago, the participation in the CIS meeting of the head of government, who criticized the CSTO and spoke out against Russia, raised some questions.

Ararat Mirzoyan’s refusal to join the statements, Pashinyan’s participation in the CIS meeting and his ambitious vision for all indicate the different position of the representatives of the Armenian authorities. It can be concluded that Pashinyan and Mirzoyan, who did not participate in such an event a year ago, received a task related to the CIS meeting. It can be assumed that they were ordered not to sign any documents, not to make any statements, but only to participate and report on the progress of the summit. Because official Yerevan cannot work without instructions from foreigners. Before I was waiting for the signal from Moscow, now from Paris and other places.

This feature is found in spies. They collect information, they do not sign any document so as not to be exposed, so as not to assume any obligation. The fact that Mirzoya did not sign the declaration can also be considered an indicator that Armenia intends to reduce relations with the CIS.

During his visit to Moscow, Nikol Pashinyan looked like Stirlitz, the hero of the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” He cycled along the Moskva River: “There is a very nice cycle path along the Moskva River. Today we cycled there.” Its bicycle theme reminds us of the skiing in Switzerland of Max Otto von Stirlitz, a Soviet intelligence officer who was commissioned by Moscow and worked in the fascist central apparatus of the SD.

In any case, it remains beneficial for the Armenian authorities to play politics with the remaining chamomile petals.

Information Agency “Informe”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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