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HomeLatest NewsArrested for abusing his partner with her baby in his arms after...

Arrested for abusing his partner with her baby in his arms after a neighbour who saw him through the window alerted him

Officers from the Burgos provincial police station arrested a man accused of committing a crime of gender violence on his partner while she was carrying their child in her arms.

As reported today by sources of the Government Sub-delegation, the events that occurred at dawn at the end of August In a neighborhood of Burgos, they were seen from the window of their house by a neighborwho immediately called the National Police 091, explaining what was happening.

A patrol quickly arrived at the scene, finding two people helping the woman who was the victim of the attack, who had visible injuries to her face and legs, as well as an obvious state of nervousness typical of the situation, which in the first moments It prevented him from even uttering a word.a, reports Ical.

Witnesses told officers that the man – later arrested – had violently hit her several times while she was carrying in their arms their son. And immediately after, the attacker put the baby in a stroller and took him away with him, leaving the woman on the ground.

After immediately providing assistance and attention to the victim, the police officer collected the physical characteristics of the perpetrator of the attack and, with the collaboration of other police patrols, located and arrested the man nearby. He himself, although carrying his young son, He has always adopted a violent attitude, actively opposing his arrest.After being arrested, police handed the baby over to his mother and an ambulance took them both to hospital for medical treatment, with the woman claiming the man who hit her was the father of her child.

It turns out that, despite the victim’s request and her subsequent summons to be heard in a memorandum on the events that occurred, once at the police station The young woman refused to file a complaint. against his attacker, nor give his version of what happened, nor file a protection order. However, the detainee was placed at the disposal of the judicial authority.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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