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HomeLatest NewsArrested in Albacete for possession of different quantities of pink cocaine, MDMA...

Arrested in Albacete for possession of different quantities of pink cocaine, MDMA and ketamine

The components of the Citizen Security Unit of the Civil Guard of Albacete have arrested a neighbor of the Region of Murcia due to drug trafficking. The alleged perpetrator, aged 29, is accused of an offence against public health. Probably, The medicines were going to be distributed at the Albacete Fair.

Different types and quantities of narcotics were seized from the prisoner. These were located by the Civil Guard in a hidden compartment in the vehicle’s glove compartment who was driving.

Within the Usecic tasks There is the establishment of operational devices on the communication routes of the province of Albacete. Its main function is to control the movement of people and vehicles suspected of drug trafficking and property crimes.

In one of these devices, carried out on the A-31 motorway (Albacete-Alicante), in the municipality of Albacete, a vehicle was stopped which was suspicious in the eyes of the Corps officers who were part of the police operation.

The civil guards who participated in the operation, after identifying its sole occupant and observing a certain nervousness in him, proceeded to search the vehicle and his personal effects. During this search, they located, in a hidden compartment of the glove compartment of the car, 93 grams of what is called pink cocaine25 grams of ketamine powder15 vials of injectable ketamine, 21 units of MDMA and 2 grams of methamphetamine (glass).

In view of this discovery, the Civil Guard arrested this person as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against public healthbeing transferred to the Civil Guard offices for the relevant procedures.

Possible destination of the drug

This action was carried out during one of the services that the Civil Guard of Albacete has implemented as part of the special security device deployed on the occasion of the celebration of the Albacete Fairthe location where the seized drugs were likely to be distributed.

The police procedure, ordered by the Civil Guard of Balazote, in collaboration with the detained personhave been made available to the Albacete Court of Instruction number 3on guard.

The inmate could face some prison sentences of 3 to 6 yearsas provided for in Article 368 of the Criminal Code, for crimes against public health, in the form of drug trafficking.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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